Meteor - mantra - react

Hi Guys.

I don’t know if this post is duplicated or not, but I really need help right now.

Well I read about mantra and meteor in this website, and it is very inspiring to me to build the highly maintainability application using mantra. But I don’t have any tutorial about how to use mantra in meteor. And since mantra is using React JS as the UI, I also need the tutorial link about meteor and React JS. I’ve been searching about meteor and react JS, but it seems the tutorial is only about the basic.

Do you guys have a tutorial about meteor-mantra and meteor-react JS??

Thank you

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Look at mantra-sample-blog-app or meteor-mantra-kickstarter

thanks I will try that :slight_smile:

Also take a look at Build A Journaling App with Meteor 1.3 (Beta), React, React-Bootstrap, and Mantra.

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This is not advertising, just note: METEOR + REACT

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haha @hwillson is not trying to advertise anything. Thank you both for your help. :slight_smile: