Meteor Mobile Apps + Stripe Payments

Hi folks, Andy again here with my Meteor app,

In my app I have 3 different subscription levels. Works great on Web.

However, I’m sure that Apple and Google require you to use in app billing. So, what’s the procedure to determine:

  • Meteor/client.js "Hey, I’m an Android app, summon the API for Cordova … Stripe… Payment? In app purchase?

  • Meteor/client.js "Hey, I’m an Apple app, summon the API for Cordova … Stripe… Payment? In app purchase?

I’d love to just use the same old credit card payment form there if I could… Any one know the REAL story here?

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Hey Andy,

Did you end up finding out more info around this? I’m looking to implement payments via Stripe in-app so if there’s any insight you can share, that’d be greatly appreciated!

Hey, actually, I did finally resolve this issue. It’s not fun.

Web = Stripe payments

iOS & Android = Cordova In App Purchase plugin

Then you have to write a bunch of logic to detect what app you’re in.

Web? Pop this modal for stripe.

iOS? Better have your apple account perfect, tax forms in, and an approved app. I’m on 3 months now! Still not approved. Sigh.

Android? Much easier, just do the isAndroid(); function you wrote and call cordova to do the in app purchase.

So, it’s actually SIMPLE, yet complicated in the amount of crap you gota do to make this all work. But, it can. And that’s what I’ve started.

If you go to:

You’ll see this: TY: ||| IOS: ||| A: ||| M: ||| D: ||| W: true

Note W: true

So I know this is a web client, and when I want to sell something, to pull Stripe. As you can see, on a mobile app, that A: true, and so I’ll make a call to the Cordova IAP API on the store event.