Hi, I am trying to make a query so that I only return the ‘productos’ that are on the current ‘categoria’, they also need to have the ‘stock.cantidad’ field greater or equal than 1 and the ‘stock.idCedis’ equal to a specific value, and this is how I am trying to do it:
return Productos.find(
idCategoria: Router.current().params._id,
"stock.cantidad":{$gte: 1},
I checked and the “stock.idCedis”:idCedis is working just fine displaying the ‘productos’ that have that specific ‘idCedis’, but what I am having problems with is the “stock.cantidad”:{$gte: 1}, part because I don’t know why Meteor or Mongo DB for that matter are just ignoring it.
The schema for the stock part of ‘productos’ that I am currently using is this:
stock: {
type: [Object]
"stock.$.cantidad": {
type: Number,
label: "Cantidad de Stock",
min: 0
"stock.$.idCedis": {
type: String,
label: "Centro de Distribución"
So I would like to know if I am doing something wrong or any other way I could make this work, thanks so much in advance!