Meteor on ARM (UDOO, Raspberry, ...) current stable:

Just updated all references to latest stable release

Justo wanted to give a big thanks for your fork. Work gave me the thumbs up and I’m gonna try out a build on a nitrogen6x board tomorrow.

Hi @mattkrick - thanks for your feedback, looking forward to your results on nitrogen6x board.

Tonight meteor also driving successfully new ODROID U3 and XU3 boards -

They are amazing fast for such a small device.

I will update the infos and downloads at and on weekend.

Can report success with the nitro board running lubuntu, just followed your tumblr & everything worked great. Reloads are a little slow, but I can’t complain!
Next step is seeing if it can handle the 6000 writes/second from an ECG :open_mouth:

Hi @mattkrick that’s great - thanks for feedback!

Do you mean “Reload of your app when starting meteor”?

I have good results for starting my apps when using the build process into a directory and starting as deployed app.

P.S.: Have you seen my post about a benchmark app? Maybe you like to add some thoughts: Looking for valid meteorjs app benchmarks on ARM devices

Yeah, both initial startup & hot code reloads are slow, but I suppose I shouldn’t compare a little card it to a macbook.
I don’t know enough about (meaningful) benchmarks to offer much value. One thought would be to slam it with data and see how long a card can go before re-polling the oplog (vs tailing). You might have to create your own flag for that though, I haven’t dug around the livequery part of the meteor code. If there’s anything you’d like me to test I’d be happy to do it.

Added list of known working boards to top of this post. Will keep update that.

Update list of knowing boards.

Added new 1st time installation and run-thru guide for RASPBIAN wheezy

Has anyone ever tried Meteor on a Radxa Rock?

Nice work. Does it run on console only Ubuntu Linux Server?

Hi, sorry for being late in reply.

I took a look at the Radxa site and from my perspective it should work if you use the ubuntu image.

You may follow the guide on my tumblr blog for details on installation

Cheers, Tom


what do you mean by

If asking for “Ubuntu” as distribution - answer is no, It should work on other distros as well

If asking for “Console” - answer is yes, meteor is always a console app.

Cheers, Tom

Awesome, I will do that. Thanks!

Great work Tom!

I have a bananaPi . Is there any way i can use your codebase for it ?

Hi, if you use a debian based distro like Lubuntu or Bananian ( ) you should be able to just simple follow the guide for installation from my tumblr blog. There is nothing different on a Banana so that you can use the Meteor unversal fork on that as well.

To get Ubuntu core on Banana have a look at: ( )

Is there any plan to support Meteor 1.2?

Hi Maxime ( @mquandalle )

yes, as soon as MDG will deliver release 1.2 I will update the universal fork. I have already tested once the changes to release rc-4 which was pretty successful.

Cheers, Tom

Woah, it’s great that it’s already working for 1.2 release candidate. I don’t know much about the work required to port a Meteor application to an ARM architecture, I just asked this question because I would like to deliver Wekan on ARM servers such as the Raspberry or Scaleway, and I use Meteor 1.2. I’ll try that once it gets ready, thank you for making it possible :slight_smile:

Hi Maxime ( @mquandalle )

there is normally “no” work to port your app on the ARM architecture. If you only use meteor functionality and some packages it runs out of the box. Sometimes the package developer has not uploaded the package for ARM than you have to get the package from github and build it within your app.

If you need some really special conditions like NPMs without binary support on ARM than it might get a bit more difficult – but I had none of those yet.

So, my expectation (as have a short view on your sources) is that it won’t take much more time than checkout and build.


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