Meteor, pagination, iron router problem

hello there,
I’m building simple application to handle multiple types of data, for example take Herbs and Formulas (created from multiple herbs, which actually doesn’t matter for this question). Everything works quite well I can add new objects, modify them etc. but when displaying list there is problem. I occured few days ago after some package update.
This is definitions for paging:
HerbPages = new Meteor.Pagination(Herbs, { route: "/herb/list/", homeRoute: "/herb/list/", router: "iron-router", routerTemplate: "HerbItems", routerLayout: "HerbList", sort: { name: 1, latinName: 1 }, templateName: "HerbItems", itemTemplate: "HerbItem" });
FormulaPages = new Meteor.Pagination(Formulas, { route: "/formula/list/", homeRoute: "/formula/list/", router: "iron-router", routerTemplate: "FormulaItems", routerLayout: "FormulaList", sort: { name: 1, latinName: 1 }, templateName: "FormulaItems", itemTemplate: "FormulaItem" });
HerbPages work well and displays the data, but FormulaPages displays only loading image, which turns and turns and turns. But when I comment out the first definition the second one starts to work. What I am doing wrong? Is there some obvious thing that I can’t see?

after next day of searching I found that the wuestion is all wrong. Of courde pagination is not iron router problem, I’ve user alethes:pages. And as I found there is some problem described in the package pages (or forum or whatever). So I’m moving the easier way and switching to another pagination package…