Meteor PDF rendering with wkhtmltopdf works only on my mac

I created a very small app which have to render a dynamic blaze template into a PDF.
I used wkhtmltopdf with SSR to achieve the result. This is the code:

'render.pdf': function(menu){
var fs = Npm.require('fs');
var fsPath = require('fs-path');

console.log('######################################### from server method 1 [BEGIN]');
var html = SSR.render("menuPrivate");
console.log('######################################### from server method 2 [RENDER HTML ON SERVER]');
var pdfStream = wkhtmltopdf(html);

function categories(){
    return Category.find({}, {sort: {categoryOrder: 1}});
console.log('######################################### from server method 3 [START wkhtmltopdf]');
wkhtmltopdf(html, function(code, signal) {
  console.log('######################################### from server method 4 [INSIDE wkhtmltopdf]');
    var content= fs.readFileSync('out.pdf');
    fsPath.writeFile('../../../../../public/out.pdf', content, function(err){
      if(err) {
        throw err;
      } else {
        console.log('**************** File created ****************');
    console.log('######################################### from server method 5 [BEFORE CREATING OUTPUT FILE]');
console.log('######################################### from server method 6 [FINISH - PDF CREATED]');

Now the problem I have is that it only works on my computer, once I run it on another computer it doesn’t work. Do you have any idea of the reason?

wkhtmltopdf needs a binary to be installed on the computer. Make sure this is installed on the other computers (And on the server)

do you use a package for that? Where is wkhtmltopdf coming from in your code?

So i figured it out somehow in the computer where it works it’s using wkhtmltopdf I installed from Ruby and in the computer where it isn’t working as it should it is taking it from node.