Meteor pub/sub with mongoose

I used Meteor + Mongoose, I tried to real-time data with meteor pub/sub. it’s work on local, but when deploy project to server it’s not work(get data) when insert update and remove.

Mongoose config connection :

import Mongoose from 'mongoose'
run().catch(err => console.log(err));
async function run() {
  // for local 
  const HOST = 'localhost'
  // const HOST = 'mongodb' for deploy to server
  const PORT = 27017
  const DB_NAME = 'dbName'

  await Mongoose.connect(`mongodb://${HOST}:${PORT}/${DB_NAME}`, {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useCreateIndex: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true,

Config meteor pub on server side :

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'

import Collection from 'path'

Meteor.publish('getDataRealTime', selector => {
  // Meteor._sleepForMs(100);
  return Collection.find(selector)

meteor subscribe on client side I use vue-mixin:

import Collection from 'path'
export default {
  meteor: {
    $subscribe: {
      'getDataRealTime': function () {return []},

    realTimeData() {
      let data = Collection.find(selector).fetch()

      return data

can you help me ?