Meteor publishing the data which is required

Hi Everyone,

I am using Meteor publications and subscription. I want to publish only the data I wanted to display in the UI.
I am using fields as options but it’s not working.

Can Anyone tell me whats the issue here?

I used this in main.js (Server)

var user_data  =   UserInfo.find({email_status: 1,name:query, 
               $and: [ 
                      { user_id: 
                              { $ne: user_id }
                        status: {$ne: 'Inactive'}

                 },{fields: {password:0,cover_image:0,email_status:0,source:0,status:0,theme_value:0,
                            createdAt: 0, last_activity_time:0, phone:0, countrycode:0,disablities:0,
                            firstTimeUser:0,login_status:0,user_id:1, name:1,profile_pic:1}});

On Client side,
I am using this without fields options,

Its not working, and all the data is visible in meteor mini mongo explorer leading to a serious security issue. Can anyone please help?

Are you subscribed to any other publications that might publish the data that you are seeing on the client?

You are mixing inclusion and exclusion modifiers. Its written in the docs. The fix is to just not include the ‘inclusion’ fields: “user_id”, “name” and “profile_pic”. they will automatically be added if not explicitly excluded.

With one exception, it is not possible to mix inclusion and exclusion styles: the keys must either be all 1 or all 0. The exception is that you may specify _id: 0 in an inclusion specifier, which will leave _id out of the result object as well. However, such field specifiers can not be used with observeChanges , observe , cursors returned from a publish function, or cursors used in {{#each}} in a template. They may be used with fetch , findOne , forEach , and map .

Here’s the ref to the statement:

In your case this would be the code:

I used this in main.js (Server)

var user_data  =   UserInfo.find({email_status: 1,name:query, 
               $and: [ 
                      { user_id: 
                              { $ne: user_id }
                        status: {$ne: 'Inactive'}

                 },{fields: {password:0,cover_image:0,email_status:0,source:0,status:0,theme_value:0,
                            createdAt: 0, last_activity_time:0, phone:0, countrycode:0,disablities:0,
                            firstTimeUser:0,login_status:0}}); // No inclusion here

Also try to avoid using var these days. const is your best friend. :slight_smile:

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No, On that page I have only this publications, Its basically a search page.

Hi @cloudspider, Thanks for your response. I tried this but not getting the expected results. Its not returning any results now.

@cloudspider @copleykj , is it required that every collection must have the mentioned fields i.e Every row in the collection must have the password, cover_image, email_status, source etc.

mixmatric, your code snipped does not reveal all what we need to help you. Please post at a minimum the whole Meteor.publish code block (server), plus the Meteor.subscribe code block (client). Nice indented code will also help. A JSON mongo document that you expect to qualify the find criteria would also help.

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no, this is not required

@mixmatric: is UserInfo a synonym for Meteor.users?

I think some of the confusion I’m having here is that I’ve assumed it’s not (i.e. it’s a completely separate collection), but others may be assuming it is.

@robfallows Its a different collection. Please don’t consider as Meteor.users.

hi @hluz, Thanks for your reply.
I checked it and its not working if collection does not have the mentioned fields.