Meteor react and Go.js

Hi All. I have been away from Meteor and now I am back. Anyway I want to use go.js with meteor.

Here is the link for the npm install and the sample

Step 1: add to meteor with npm .
npm install --save react-gojs

Step 2: Import GojsDiagram in your React component:
import GojsDiagram from ‘react-gojs’;

Step 3: To create a GoJS diagram, just use the GojsDiagram React component:

Here is where I am having trouble.

Can someone help me to just put this on a normal meteor react page?
I just need to see this as a working sample on Meteor.
I just need a hand.
Sorry I am still a newbie with React and Meteor.

Thanks, Kris

I don’t see where the trouble is. Just create a Meteor React application, install with meteor npm i --save react-gojs, then open app.jsx or where ever you want to put it and follow the rest of instructions from the package.