Meteor React component grigio:react-overlay

grigio:react-overlay is a Meteor React reusable component which display other components inside a modal overlay.

This <Overlay/> can be included in a new meteor app and immediadly can be used to render another component inside. When it is active some javascript is loaded (example Esc key pressed), when it is destroyed it doesn’t leave trash inside your DOM

<Overlay/> component

<Leaderboard/> example app

example app
example app demo:

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NOTE: Currently React works in Meteor but some 3rd part existing components aren’t easy to integrate in Meteor because a different dependencies system.

If you never tried React I raccomend this intro videos and the official doc. Some very promising features about React are: server side rendering, react-native, animations and… the fact it plays nice with the existing Blaze lib.

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