Meteor repository behind artifactory

I’m very very new to Meteor (just started yesterday). I try to run meteor build and I get the following error.

# meteor build --directory /build --architecture os.linux.x86_64

Even with METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER or --allow-superuser, permissions in your app directory will be incorrect if you ever attempt to perform any Meteor tasks as a normal user. If you need to fix your permissions, run the following command
from the root of your project:

  sudo chown -Rh <username> .meteor/local

=> Errors while initializing project:

While selecting package versions:
error: Package version not in catalog: accounts-base 2.2.10

While refreshing package catalog to resolve previous errors:
error: Can't establish a connection to the server at wss://

The error is fine as my server doesn’t have an internet connection. For this reason I’ve setup a remote repository in artifcatory for

Could some please help me with the information on how I can replace the with artifactory/artifactory/meteor-remote-repo