Meteor universal fork for ARM + BSD (Raspberry, UDOO, Beaglebone, ...)

Over the past days we finished our work to the update of the Meteor universal fork for the current stable release As already prepared for the last releases, we provide full ready pre-built dev_bundles for ARMv6 and ARMv7 architectures and xBSD OS.

Installation on those environments is as easy and smooth like the official meteor installer - check our project’s README how to install. You find all the ready-to-use dev_bundles at our BINTRAY Repository.

Quick reminder: We included again our ported bundle release of mongodb 2.6.7 for ARM architecture. This time we fixed last time open bug of mfloat compilation in v8 engine so that meteor mongo will work now. In addition we re-added the bundle for node v0.10.45 and fix an issue with bindings of npm and node-gyp. We are happy that our pre-built dev_bundles are delivering “exactly” the same versions of tools and addons as the official meteor stable release. You do not need to run long time compilations on those small architectures to use meteor.

Hope you have fun to power your IoT devices and embedded systems by this new meteor release.


This fork is known to work on:

  1. UDOO Dual, Quad, Neo (Lubuntu 12.04, Debian Jessie, UDOObuntu 2, Ubuntu Core 14.04)
  2. Raspberry Pi 1B + Pi 2 (Raspbian wheezy + jessie, Ubuntu 14.04)
  3. ODROID C1 + U3 (Lubuntu 14.04)
  4. BeagleBone Black (Ubuntu 14.04)
  5. PcDuino v3 (Ubuntu 14.04)
  6. Server (Debian, Ubuntu 14.04)
  7. ARM Chromebook
  8. FreeBSD
  9. OpenBSD

… plus an uncounted number of compatible OSs driven devices

Attention: the binaries for ARMv6 and xBSD are coming soon.


We updated our meteor universal tumblr blog with the latest release info and wrote some small useful blog entry about most support and most common issues.

I looks like it is established and pretty easy to run meteor on ARM devices by now.

Feels great to see projects like Rocket.Chat had spend some special repository to run on a RasPi :thumbsup: