Meteor Up and Traefik

Have someone configured Traefik to set access to an Meteor app deployed by Meteor Up ?
I can’t found a good way to set “labels” in mup.js, it’s possible ?

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I found the solution
For those interested, the right procedure is:
Traefik executed with docker-compose with external network set.
In MUP configuration, remove proxy section, keep http in ROOT_URL: and PORT not 80 (otherwise conflict with Traefik esternal port), set LABEL in buildInstruction: like "LABEL 'traefik.enable'='true' 'traefik.backend'='[app name]' 'traefik.frontend.rule'='Host:[url]' ''='[Traefik external network]' 'traefik.port'='[port set in app]'" and add networks: ['[Traefik external network]']

In this way you can keep in a unique host, all Meteor app deployed with MUP and also other docker container.