Meteor update fails

my first attempt to update from 2.16 to 3.x fails, I tried updating to 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, all produce the same error message :

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Got around this by removing almost all packages, now adding them again one by one. At least the migration documentation could mention this possibility. Probably depends on number of packages and relations between them,but I lost some hours by now knowing this upfront.

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Hey @polygonwood, I’m sorry you had trouble with the update. We need some information to investigate better. Are you on arm64?

Hi Leonardo
thx for coming back
No, I’m on linux64 (Ubuntu 22).
I found other threads on the same issue and followed a recommendation there to reduce the package file first and to build it up again. That worked to get the update getting through. There were probably too many dependencies to handle. Would be nice to throw a nicer message with the recommendation and to add this to migration documentation (I was not the first and will probably be not the last).
I’m currently gradually adding my packages back in (many are also getting an update like autoform, ostrio:files, smavin:jobs, …) others don’t (yet) such as iron-router, so I’m making slow progress … I have not seen the application yielding proper output yet …

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We’ll try to reproduce this issue and see if we can solve it.

But just to be sure, we can add this to the migration docs, as you suggested.

Thank you!

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We’ve added this to our guide Common Errors | Meteor 3.0 Migration Guide