Meteor . User Error

	If (Meteor.user()){
		return Meteor.user().emails[0].address;
	else {
		return "anonymous internet user";

Gives me an error of
While processing files with ecmascript (for target web.browser):
client/main.js:14:19: Unexpected token, expected ; (14:19)

What am I missing out?

Your JavaScript is malformed. If you’re not using a linter, I’d strongly recommend doing so.

    if (Meteor.user()){
      return Meteor.user().emails[0].address;
    } else {
      return "anonymous internet user";
    //some code

Your code and his code are isomorphic from a code structure point of view.

The mistake is the ‘if’ which is written with an upper case in the first code snippet

If (Meteor.user()){

the compiler doesn’t recognize the keyword ‘if’ and think instead that it’s a variable, a function or an object.