Meteor Vue 2 -> Vue 3 (with Vuetify)

Hi everyone,

I’m looking at migrating a Meteor (@2.11) Vue 2 + Vuetify Application (reasonable size) to Vue 3, now that Vuetify 3 has reached parity with Vuetify 2…

Originally was planning to first move to Meteor 3, but I think that there are issues with running Vue 2 in latest Meteor (@2.14) , so it may be easier to move to Vue 3 before. Or not?

Any hints? Has anyone made that switch that can provide some recommendation? examples, what not to do, etc. Any help appreciated.


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I made the migration to Vue 3 by using Meteor 2.13 GitHub - diavrank/theory-swe: Application which includes theoretical concepts about Software Engineering . It uses Vuetify as well.

Thank!. I had tried 2.14 and had issues… will attempt to stay at 2.11 and give it a go. Will check your repo for clues…

I have a large-ish Vue 2 app that I am planning to update to Meteor 3 and Vue 3 once Meteor 3 is out. Not really sure in wht order. Currently my hopes are on this package: GitHub - JorgenVatle/meteor-vite: ⚡ Replace Meteor's bundler with Vite for blazing fast build-times

I have not yet had the time to look into it in more detail, but the maintainer seems active and project well maintained. Perhaps take a look at that as well.


Hi @vooteles,
I know this may be old for you, but do you mind sharing what your approach was and what sequence worked for you? Any hint you could give would be great…

Sure, @hluz . I answered you in a separate topic here. Hopefully it is useful for other people as well like that.

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Many thanks. Plenty to digest and many decisions to make. :wink: