Meteor with Angular is very slow

Hey, I working on an early project using Meteor-Angular with the MeteorCLI but although there isn’t much code yet, the startup and refreshs take really long. Currently the startup takes around 3:30 to 4 minutes and client refresh around 0:30. When I started working on the project these times were around 52 seconds to startup and 3 - 10 second for refreshs. I’m working on Windows with WSL Bash, running Meteor on Windows is even slower.

I’ve run METEOR_PROFILE=1 METEOR_DEBUG_BUILD=1 METEOR_LOG=debug meteor run to find some more insights but not sure, what I should be looking for.

Furthermore, I find it strange that it’s done with Building the app after ~1:20 and then it shows ‘Starting Application’ for about 1 minute, which then disappears for another minute and eventually will show the => Started your app. message.
But there is output and nothing in the profile about what was done during these 2 minutes. The server startup takes only around 2 seconds.

Any idea what is taking so long?
How can I possibly speed up Meteor?
Thanks for your answers!

I’m using Meteor 1.6 because there were some issues with Angular on 1.6.1.

Here is my package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "@angular/animations": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/cdk": "^5.2.0",
    "@angular/common": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/compiler": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/core": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/forms": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/http": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/material": "^5.2.0",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^5.2.3",
    "@angular/router": "^5.2.3",
    "@swimlane/ngx-dnd": "^3.1.2",
    "babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
    "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
    "material-design-icons": "^3.0.1",
    "meteor-node-stubs": "^0.3.2",
    "meteor-rxjs": "^0.4.8",
    "rxjs": "^5.5.6",
    "zone.js": "^0.8.20"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "^5.2.3",
    "@types/chai": "^4.1.2",
    "@types/meteor": "^1.4.13",
    "@types/mocha": "^2.2.48",
    "@types/sinon": "^4.1.3",
    "chai": "^4.1.2",
    "sinon": "^4.2.2",
    "tslint-angular": "^1.1.0",
    "typescript": "~2.6.2"

And my Meteor packages:

meteor-base@1.2.0             # Packages every Meteor app needs to have
mobile-experience@1.0.5       # Packages for a great mobile UX
mongo@1.3.0                   # The database Meteor supports right now
reactive-var@1.0.11            # Reactive variable for tracker
tracker@1.1.3                 # Meteor's client-side reactive programming library

standard-minifier-css@1.3.5   # CSS minifier run for production mode
standard-minifier-js@2.2.0    # JS minifier run for production mode
es5-shim@4.6.15                # ECMAScript 5 compatibility for older browsers
ecmascript@0.9.0              # Enable ECMAScript2015+ syntax in app code
shell-server@0.3.0            # Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command


Actually, the console output is much too long and I can’t post it here. :frowning:

It may be better to remove some of that noise. I would start by changing



METEOR_PROFILE=1000 meteor run

Which will pare the output down to the build phase, targetting steps taking longer than 1s (1000ms) to complete. Your METEOR_PROFILE=1 targets steps taking longer than 1ms - which will be a lot!

If the output from that is short enough, please post it here.

1 Like

Alright, this is the output of METEOR_PROFILE=1000 meteor run.
However, after (#3) Total: 79,241 ms (Build App) it takes around 2 minutes until the server startup profile and ‘started your app’ appear and these 2 minutes are not logged anywhere.

$ METEOR_PROFILE=1000 meteor run
| (#1) Profiling: ProjectContext resolveConstraints
|  Selecting package versions                -
| ProjectContext resolveConstraints.............................2,010 ms (1)
| └─ _resolveConstraints........................................1,997 ms (1)
|    └─ JsImage#load                                            1,358 ms (1)
| Top leaves:
| files.readFile.............................................160 ms (220)
| files.stat.................................................119 ms (236)
| (#1) Total: 2,010 ms (ProjectContext resolveConstraints)
[[[[[ /mnt/c/Users/me/project ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
| (#2) Profiling: ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild
|  Building local packages                   \
| ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild.........................5,952 ms (1)
| └─ _buildLocalPackages........................................5,198 ms (1)
|    └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack.........................4,913 ms (62)
|       └─ Isopack#initFromPath.................................4,569 ms (62)
|          ├─ bundler.readJsImage...............................1,866 ms (6)
|          │  └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable.................1,660 ms (34)
|          │     └─ meteorNpm.isPortable                        1,373 ms (859)
|          └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable....................1,724 ms (21)
|             └─ meteorNpm.isPortable                           1,485 ms (667)
| Top leaves:
| files.readFile...........................................1,370 ms (1786)
| files.stat...............................................1,200 ms (2347)
| files.readdir..............................................511 ms (76)
| ms (476)
| other _buildLocalPackages..................................285 ms (1)
| other IsopackCache Load local isopack......................245 ms (62)
| files.lstat................................................169 ms (2303)
| ms (476)
| other Isopack#initFromPath.................................115 ms (62)
| (#2) Total: 5,952 ms (ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild)
| (#3) Profiling: Build App
=> A patch (Meteor for your current release is available!
   Update this project now with 'meteor update --patch'.
=> Started MongoDB.
[client]: ES2015 modules Compilation: 2681.852ms
[client]: TypeScript Files Compilation: 3664.848ms
[server]: ES2015 modules Compilation: 1187.559ms
[server]: TypeScript Files Compilation: 1184.860ms
|  Starting your app                         |
| files.stat                                                        1 ms (1)
| files.unlink                                                      1 ms (1)
| files.readFile                                                    1 ms (1)
| files.writeFile                                                   1 ms (1)
| Build App....................................................79,238 ms (1)
| └─ files.withCache...........................................79,238 ms (1)
|    ├─ compiler.compile(the app)..............................59,513 ms (1)
|    │  └─ files.withCache.....................................59,512 ms (2)
|    │     └─ compileUnibuild (the app)........................59,511 ms (2)
|    │        ├─ Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized..............13,566 ms (28)
|    │        │  ├─ JsImage#load...............................11,646 ms (6)
|    │        │  │  └─ runJavaScript packages/angular-typescript-compiler.js.9,353 ms (1)
|    │        │  │     ├─ require("./node_modules/meteor/angular-typescript-compiler/index.js") 1,182 ms (1)
|    │        │  │     └─ other runJavaScript packages/angular-typescript-compiler.js 8,171 ms
|    │        │  └─ Npm.require("meteor-babel")                 1,555 ms (1)
|    │        ├─ files.withCache...............................40,919 ms (2)
|    │        │  ├─ files.realpath                              7,228 ms (17839)
|    │        │  ├─ files.readdir                               9,725 ms (35678)
|    │        │  ├─ files.stat                                 16,550 ms (112379)
|    │        │  └─ other files.withCache                       7,391 ms
|    │        ├─ optimistic readFile............................2,861 ms (8377)
|    │        │  └─ files.readFile                              2,188 ms (4268)
|    │        └─ other compileUnibuild (the app)                1,565 ms
|    ├─ bundler.bundle..makeClientTarget.......................14,387 ms (1)
|    │  └─ Target#make.........................................14,386 ms (1)
|    │     ├─ Target#_runCompilerPlugins........................6,847 ms (1)
|    │     │  └─ plugin angular-compilers                       6,579 ms (3)
|    │     └─ Target#_emitResources.............................6,831 ms (1)
|    │        └─ PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap.....6,242 ms (1)
|    │           ├─ ImportScanner#_findImportedModuleIdentifiers 2,746 ms (929)
|    │           └─ optimistic statOrNull                       2,325 ms (14638)
|    ├─ bundler.bundle..makeServerTarget........................3,308 ms (1)
|    │  └─ Target#make..........................................3,307 ms (1)
|    │     └─ Target#_runCompilerPlugins........................2,614 ms (1)
|    │        └─ plugin angular-compilers                       2,415 ms (3)
|    └─ bundler writeSiteArchive................................2,004 ms (1)
|       └─ bundler writeTargetToPath............................1,528 ms (2)
|          └─ ServerTarget#write................................1,179 ms (1)
|             └─ JsImage#write                                  1,134 ms (1)
| Top leaves:
| files.stat..............................................17,821 ms (122591)
| files.readdir............................................9,731 ms (35701)
| other runJavaScript packages/angular-typescript-compiler.js.8,171 ms (1)
| other files.withCache....................................7,408 ms (5)
| files.realpath...........................................7,231 ms (17856)
| files.readFile...........................................3,111 ms (5860)
| ImportScanner#_findImportedModuleIdentifiers.............3,041 ms (1005)
| other compileUnibuild (the app)..........................1,565 ms (2)
| other optimistic readFile..................................654 ms (8377)
| other PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap...........504 ms (1)
| files.writeFile............................................437 ms (192)
| files.rm_recursive.........................................435 ms (4)
| other Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized.....................366 ms (28)
| CssTools.parseCss..........................................359 ms (4)
| sha1.......................................................310 ms (7515)
| files.rename...............................................283 ms (197)
| Babel.compile..............................................243 ms (145)
| Target#minifyJs............................................219 ms (1)
| files.mkdir................................................189 ms (56)
| files.lstat................................................184 ms (1556)
| runJavaScript packages/underscore.js.......................125 ms (2)
| (#3) Total: 79,241 ms (Build App)
I20180207-17:19:34.413(1)? | (#1) Profiling: Server startup
I20180207-17:19:34.506(1)? |
I20180207-17:19:34.506(1)? | Server startup................................................1,925 ms (1)
I20180207-17:19:34.507(1)? | └─ Load server bundles                                        1,906 ms (1)
I20180207-17:19:34.508(1)? |
I20180207-17:19:34.509(1)? | Top leaves:
I20180207-17:19:34.509(1)? | require("meteor-rxjs").....................................484 ms (3)
I20180207-17:19:34.510(1)? | Npm.require("mongodb").....................................273 ms (1)
I20180207-17:19:34.510(1)? | require("connect").........................................144 ms (1)
I20180207-17:19:34.511(1)? | Npm.require("sockjs")......................................111 ms (1)
I20180207-17:19:34.511(1)? |
I20180207-17:19:34.512(1)? | (#1) Total: 1,925 ms (Server startup)
I20180207-17:19:34.512(1)? |
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

This output of METEOR_DEBUG_BUILD=1 meteor run shows the total duration below (206064 ms = ~3:30 min) but also no hint what it is doing.

$ METEOR_DEBUG_BUILD=1 meteor run
 START CAPTURE 0 downloading the command-line tool took NaN
   START CAPTURE 1 undefined took NaN
     START 2 checking for meteor-tool@1.6.0
     DONE 2 checking for meteor-tool@1.6.0 took 6
   END CAPTURE 1 undefined took 9            -
 END CAPTURE 0 downloading the command-line tool took 12
 START CAPTURE 0 undefined took NaN          -
   START 1 preparing project                 -
     START 2 reading project metadata        -
     DONE 2 reading project metadata took 11 -
   DONE 1 preparing project took 13          -
 END CAPTURE 0 undefined took 15             -
 START CAPTURE 0 undefined took NaN          -
   START 1 preparing project                 -
     START CAPTURE 2 undefined took NaN      -
       START 3 scanning local packages       -
         START 4 looking for packages        -
         DONE 4 looking for packages took 14 -
         START 4 initializing packages       -
         DONE 4 initializing packages took 4 -
       DONE 3 scanning local packages took 41-
     END CAPTURE 2 undefined took 42
     START CAPTURE 2 undefined took NaN
       START 3 selecting package versions
         START CAPTURE 4 loading isopacket `combined` took NaN
         END CAPTURE 4 loading isopacket `combined` took 561
       DONE 3 selecting package versions took 917
     END CAPTURE 2 undefined took 918
   DONE 1 preparing project took 1001
 END CAPTURE 0 undefined took 1003
[[[[[ /mnt/c/Users/me/project ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
 START 0 starting your appons                -
 START CAPTURE 0 undefined took NaN
   START 1 preparing project
     START CAPTURE 2 undefined took NaN
       START 3 downloading missing packages
         START 4 checking for allow-deny@1.1.0
         DONE 4 checking for allow-deny@1.1.0 took 5
         START 4 checking for angular-compilers@0.2.8_1
         DONE 4 checking for angular-compilers@0.2.8_1 took 2
         START 4 checking for angular-html-compiler@0.2.8
         DONE 4 checking for angular-html-compiler@0.2.8 took 1
         START 4 checking for angular-scss-compiler@0.2.8
         DONE 4 checking for angular-scss-compiler@0.2.8 took 2
         START 4 checking for angular-typescript-compiler@0.2.8_1
         DONE 4 checking for angular-typescript-compiler@0.2.8_1 took 2
         START 4 checking for autoupdate@1.3.12
         DONE 4 checking for autoupdate@1.3.12 took 2
         START 4 checking for babel-compiler@6.24.7
         DONE 4 checking for babel-compiler@6.24.7 took 1
         START 4 checking for babel-runtime@1.1.1
         DONE 4 checking for babel-runtime@1.1.1 took 1
         START 4 checking for base64@1.0.10  \
         DONE 4 checking for base64@1.0.10 took 1
         START 4 checking for binary-heap@1.0.10
         DONE 4 checking for binary-heap@1.0.10 took 1
         START 4 checking for boilerplate-generator@1.3.1
         DONE 4 checking for boilerplate-generator@1.3.1 took 38
         START 4 checking for caching-compiler@1.1.11
         DONE 4 checking for caching-compiler@1.1.11 took 1
         START 4 checking for callback-hook@1.0.10
         DONE 4 checking for callback-hook@1.0.10 took 2
         START 4 checking for check@1.2.5    \
         DONE 4 checking for check@1.2.5 took 6
         START 4 checking for ddp@1.4.0      \
         DONE 4 checking for ddp@1.4.0 took 4\
         START 4 checking for ddp-client@2.2.0
         DONE 4 checking for ddp-client@2.2.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for ddp-common@1.3.0
         DONE 4 checking for ddp-common@1.3.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for ddp-server@2.1.1
         DONE 4 checking for ddp-server@2.1.1 took 1
         START 4 checking for diff-sequence@1.0.7
         DONE 4 checking for diff-sequence@1.0.7 took 1
         START 4 checking for dynamic-import@0.2.1
         DONE 4 checking for dynamic-import@0.2.1 took 2
         START 4 checking for ecmascript@0.9.0
         DONE 4 checking for ecmascript@0.9.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for ecmascript-runtime@0.5.0
         DONE 4 checking for ecmascript-runtime@0.5.0 took 4
         START 4 checking for ecmascript-runtime-client@0.5.0
         DONE 4 checking for ecmascript-runtime-client@0.5.0 took 3
         START 4 checking for ecmascript-runtime-server@0.5.0
         DONE 4 checking for ecmascript-runtime-server@0.5.0 took 5
         START 4 checking for ejson@1.1.0    \
         DONE 4 checking for ejson@1.1.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for es5-shim@4.6.15\
         DONE 4 checking for es5-shim@4.6.15 took 1
         START 4 checking for geojson-utils@1.0.10
         DONE 4 checking for geojson-utils@1.0.10 took 2
         START 4 checking for hot-code-push@1.0.4
         DONE 4 checking for hot-code-push@1.0.4 took 1
         START 4 checking for http@1.3.0     \
         DONE 4 checking for http@1.3.0 took 2
         START 4 checking for id-map@1.0.9   \
         DONE 4 checking for id-map@1.0.9 took 1
         START 4 checking for launch-screen@1.1.1
         DONE 4 checking for launch-screen@1.1.1 took 2
         START 4 checking for livedata@1.0.18\
         DONE 4 checking for livedata@1.0.18 took 1
         START 4 checking for logging@1.1.19 \
         DONE 4 checking for logging@1.1.19 took 1
         START 4 checking for meteor@1.8.1   \
         DONE 4 checking for meteor@1.8.1 took 2
         START 4 checking for meteor-base@1.2.0
         DONE 4 checking for meteor-base@1.2.0 took 3
         START 4 checking for minifier-css@1.2.16
         DONE 4 checking for minifier-css@1.2.16 took 3
         START 4 checking for minifier-js@2.2.1
         DONE 4 checking for minifier-js@2.2.1 took 3
         START 4 checking for minimongo@1.4.1\
         DONE 4 checking for minimongo@1.4.1 took 1
         START 4 checking for mobile-experience@1.0.5
         DONE 4 checking for mobile-experience@1.0.5 took 1
         START 4 checking for mobile-status-bar@1.0.14
         DONE 4 checking for mobile-status-bar@1.0.14 took 1
         START 4 checking for modules@0.11.0 \
         DONE 4 checking for modules@0.11.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for modules-runtime@0.9.0
         DONE 4 checking for modules-runtime@0.9.0 took 2
         START 4 checking for mongo@1.3.0    \
         DONE 4 checking for mongo@1.3.0 took 2
         START 4 checking for mongo-dev-server@1.1.0
         DONE 4 checking for mongo-dev-server@1.1.0 took 2
         START 4 checking for mongo-id@1.0.6 \
         DONE 4 checking for mongo-id@1.0.6 took 2
         START 4 checking for mys:fonts@0.0.2\
         DONE 4 checking for mys:fonts@0.0.2 took 2
         START 4 checking for npm-mongo@2.2.33
         DONE 4 checking for npm-mongo@2.2.33 took 1
         START 4 checking for ordered-dict@1.0.9
         DONE 4 checking for ordered-dict@1.0.9 took 1
         START 4 checking for promise@0.10.0 \
         DONE 4 checking for promise@0.10.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for random@1.0.10  \
         DONE 4 checking for random@1.0.10 took 1
         START 4 checking for reactive-var@1.0.11
         DONE 4 checking for reactive-var@1.0.11 took 1
         START 4 checking for reload@1.1.11  \
         DONE 4 checking for reload@1.1.11 took 1
         START 4 checking for retry@1.0.9    \
         DONE 4 checking for retry@1.0.9 took 1
         START 4 checking for routepolicy@1.0.12
         DONE 4 checking for routepolicy@1.0.12 took 1
         START 4 checking for shell-server@0.3.0
         DONE 4 checking for shell-server@0.3.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for standard-minifier-css@1.3.5
         DONE 4 checking for standard-minifier-css@1.3.5 took 5
         START 4 checking for standard-minifier-js@2.2.1
         DONE 4 checking for standard-minifier-js@2.2.1 took 3
         START 4 checking for tracker@1.1.3  \
         DONE 4 checking for tracker@1.1.3 took 4
         START 4 checking for underscore@1.0.10
         DONE 4 checking for underscore@1.0.10 took 2
         START 4 checking for url@1.1.0      \
         DONE 4 checking for url@1.1.0 took 1\
         START 4 checking for webapp@1.4.0   \
         DONE 4 checking for webapp@1.4.0 took 1
         START 4 checking for webapp-hashing@1.0.9
         DONE 4 checking for webapp-hashing@1.0.9 took 3
       DONE 3 downloading missing packages took 235
     END CAPTURE 2 undefined took 236
     START 2 building local packages
       START 3 loading package allow-deny@1.1.0
       DONE 3 loading package allow-deny@1.1.0 took 14
       START 3 loading package meteor@1.8.1
       DONE 3 loading package meteor@1.8.1 took 30
       START 3 loading package ecmascript@0.9.0
       DONE 3 loading package ecmascript@0.9.0 took 162
       START 3 loading package babel-compiler@6.24.7
       DONE 3 loading package babel-compiler@6.24.7 took 144
       START 3 loading package ecmascript-runtime@0.5.0
       DONE 3 loading package ecmascript-runtime@0.5.0 took 3
       START 3 loading package ecmascript-runtime-server@0.5.0
       DONE 3 loading package ecmascript-runtime-server@0.5.0 took 5
       START 3 loading package modules@0.11.0/
       DONE 3 loading package modules@0.11.0 took 15
       START 3 loading package modules-runtime@0.9.0
       DONE 3 loading package modules-runtime@0.9.0 took 9
       START 3 loading package ecmascript-runtime-client@0.5.0
       DONE 3 loading package ecmascript-runtime-client@0.5.0 took 3
       START 3 loading package promise@0.10.0/
       DONE 3 loading package promise@0.10.0 took 21
       START 3 loading package babel-runtime@1.1.1
       DONE 3 loading package babel-runtime@1.1.1 took 4
       START 3 loading package minimongo@1.4.1
       DONE 3 loading package minimongo@1.4.1 took 19
       START 3 loading package diff-sequence@1.0.7
       DONE 3 loading package diff-sequence@1.0.7 took 5
       START 3 loading package underscore@1.0.10
       DONE 3 loading package underscore@1.0.10 took 5
       START 3 loading package ejson@1.1.0   /
       DONE 3 loading package ejson@1.1.0 took 6
       START 3 loading package base64@1.0.10 /
       DONE 3 loading package base64@1.0.10 took 9
       START 3 loading package geojson-utils@1.0.10
       DONE 3 loading package geojson-utils@1.0.10 took 7
       START 3 loading package id-map@1.0.9  /
       DONE 3 loading package id-map@1.0.9 took 6
       START 3 loading package mongo-id@1.0.6/
       DONE 3 loading package mongo-id@1.0.6 took 4
       START 3 loading package random@1.0.10 /
       DONE 3 loading package random@1.0.10 took 10
       START 3 loading package ordered-dict@1.0.9
       DONE 3 loading package ordered-dict@1.0.9 took 10
       START 3 loading package tracker@1.1.3 /
       DONE 3 loading package tracker@1.1.3 took 4
       START 3 loading package check@1.2.5   /
       DONE 3 loading package check@1.2.5 took 4
       START 3 loading package ddp@1.4.0     /
       DONE 3 loading package ddp@1.4.0 took 8
       START 3 loading package ddp-client@2.2.0
       DONE 3 loading package ddp-client@2.2.0 took 31
       START 3 loading package retry@1.0.9   -
       DONE 3 loading package retry@1.0.9 took 5
       START 3 loading package callback-hook@1.0.10
       DONE 3 loading package callback-hook@1.0.10 took 3
       START 3 loading package ddp-common@1.3.0
       DONE 3 loading package ddp-common@1.3.0 took 8
       START 3 loading package ddp-server@2.1.1
       DONE 3 loading package ddp-server@2.1.1 took 10
       START 3 loading package webapp@1.4.0  -
       DONE 3 loading package webapp@1.4.0 took 78
       START 3 loading package logging@1.1.19-
       DONE 3 loading package logging@1.1.19 took 12
       START 3 loading package routepolicy@1.0.12
       DONE 3 loading package routepolicy@1.0.12 took 3
       START 3 loading package boilerplate-generator@1.3.1
       DONE 3 loading package boilerplate-generator@1.3.1 took 4
       START 3 loading package webapp-hashing@1.0.9
       DONE 3 loading package webapp-hashing@1.0.9 took 4
       START 3 loading package angular-compilers@0.2.8_1
       DONE 3 loading package angular-compilers@0.2.8_1 took 386
       START 3 loading package angular-html-compiler@0.2.8
       DONE 3 loading package angular-html-compiler@0.2.8 took 45
       START 3 loading package angular-scss-compiler@0.2.8
       DONE 3 loading package angular-scss-compiler@0.2.8 took 124
       START 3 loading package angular-typescript-compiler@0.2.8_1
       DONE 3 loading package angular-typescript-compiler@0.2.8_1 took 79
       START 3 loading package autoupdate@1.3.12
       DONE 3 loading package autoupdate@1.3.12 took 3
       START 3 loading package mongo@1.3.0   /
       DONE 3 loading package mongo@1.3.0 took 18
       START 3 loading package npm-mongo@2.2.33
       DONE 3 loading package npm-mongo@2.2.33 took 13
       START 3 loading package mongo-dev-server@1.1.0
       DONE 3 loading package mongo-dev-server@1.1.0 took 3
       START 3 loading package binary-heap@1.0.10
       DONE 3 loading package binary-heap@1.0.10 took 6
       START 3 loading package http@1.3.0    /
       DONE 3 loading package http@1.3.0 took 90
       START 3 loading package url@1.1.0     /
       DONE 3 loading package url@1.1.0 took 5
       START 3 loading package caching-compiler@1.1.11
       DONE 3 loading package caching-compiler@1.1.11 took 7
       START 3 loading package dynamic-import@0.2.1
       DONE 3 loading package dynamic-import@0.2.1 took 6
       START 3 loading package es5-shim@4.6.15
       DONE 3 loading package es5-shim@4.6.15 took 7
       START 3 loading package hot-code-push@1.0.4
       DONE 3 loading package hot-code-push@1.0.4 took 2
       START 3 loading package reload@1.1.11 -
       DONE 3 loading package reload@1.1.11 took 4
       START 3 loading package launch-screen@1.1.1
       DONE 3 loading package launch-screen@1.1.1 took 3
       START 3 loading package livedata@1.0.18
       DONE 3 loading package livedata@1.0.18 took 2
       START 3 loading package meteor-base@1.2.0
       DONE 3 loading package meteor-base@1.2.0 took 9
       START 3 loading package minifier-css@1.2.16
       DONE 3 loading package minifier-css@1.2.16 took 10
       START 3 loading package minifier-js@2.2.1
       DONE 3 loading package minifier-js@2.2.1 took 6
       START 3 loading package mobile-experience@1.0.5
       DONE 3 loading package mobile-experience@1.0.5 took 2
       START 3 loading package mobile-status-bar@1.0.14
       DONE 3 loading package mobile-status-bar@1.0.14 took 3
       START 3 loading package mys:fonts@0.0.2
       DONE 3 loading package mys:fonts@0.0.2 took 73
       START 3 loading package reactive-var@1.0.11
       DONE 3 loading package reactive-var@1.0.11 took 3
       START 3 loading package shell-server@0.3.0
       DONE 3 loading package shell-server@0.3.0 took 3
       START 3 loading package standard-minifier-css@1.3.5
       DONE 3 loading package standard-minifier-css@1.3.5 took 9
       START 3 loading package standard-minifier-js@2.2.1
       DONE 3 loading package standard-minifier-js@2.2.1 took 133
     DONE 2 building local packages took 1866\
   DONE 1 preparing project took 2109        \
 END CAPTURE 0 undefined took 2111           \
 START CAPTURE 0 building the application took NaN
   START 1 determining active plugins
     START 2 loading plugin `minifyStdCSS` from package `standard-minifier-css`
     DONE 2 loading plugin `minifyStdCSS` from package `standard-minifier-css` took 91
     START 2 running registerMinifier callback in package standard-minifier-css
     DONE 2 running registerMinifier callback in package standard-minifier-css took 1
     START 2 loading plugin `minifyStdJS` from package `standard-minifier-js`
     DONE 2 loading plugin `minifyStdJS` from package `standard-minifier-js` took 78
     START 2 running registerMinifier callback in package standard-minifier-js
     DONE 2 running registerMinifier callback in package standard-minifier-js took 1
     START 2 loading plugin `compile-ecmascript` from package `ecmascript`
     DONE 2 loading plugin `compile-ecmascript` from package `ecmascript` took 37
     START 2 running registerCompiler callback in package ecmascript
     DONE 2 running registerCompiler callback in package ecmascript took 584
     START 2 loading plugin `Angular Compilers` from package `angular-compilers`
     DONE 2 loading plugin `Angular Compilers` from package `angular-compilers` took 6554
     START 2 running registerCompiler callback in package angular-compilers
     DONE 2 running registerCompiler callback in package angular-compilers took 2
     START 2 running registerCompiler callback in package angular-compilers
     DONE 2 running registerCompiler callback in package angular-compilers took 1
     START 2 running registerCompiler callback in package angular-compilers
     DONE 2 running registerCompiler callback in package angular-compilers took 1
     START 2 loading plugin `compileFonts` from package `mys:fonts`
     DONE 2 loading plugin `compileFonts` from package `mys:fonts` took 380
     START 2 running registerCompiler callback in package mys:fonts
     DONE 2 running registerCompiler callback in package mys:fonts took 1
     START 2 loading plugin `basicFileTypes` from package `meteor`
     DONE 2 loading plugin `basicFileTypes` from package `meteor` took 1
     START 2 running registerCompiler callback in package meteor
     DONE 2 running registerCompiler callback in package meteor took 1
   DONE 1 determining active plugins took 7744
=> A patch (Meteor for your current release is available!
   Update this project now with 'meteor update --patch'.
   START 1 determining active plugins        \
   DONE 1 determining active plugins took 1  \
   START 1 building for web.browser          /
     START 2 linking the program             /
     DONE 2 linking the program took 7       /
     START 2 processing files with ecmascript (for target web.browser)
     DONE 2 processing files with ecmascript (for target web.browser) took 158
     START 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target web.browser)
[client]: ES2015 modules Compilation: 2097.350ms
[client]: TypeScript Files Compilation: 3701.331ms
     DONE 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target web.browser) took 5949
     START 2 processing files with meteor (for target web.browser)
     DONE 2 processing files with meteor (for target web.browser) took 54
     START 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target web.browser)
     DONE 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target web.browser) took 44
     START 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target web.browser)
     DONE 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target web.browser) took 22
     START 2 processing files with mys:fonts (for target web.browser)
     DONE 2 processing files with mys:fonts (for target web.browser) took 4
     START 2 minifying app code              -
     DONE 2 minifying app code took 2        -
     START 2 minifying app stylesheet        \
     DONE 2 minifying app stylesheet took 423|
   DONE 1 building for web.browser took 12910/
   START 1 building for os.linux.x86_64
     START 2 linking the program
     DONE 2 linking the program took 22      /
     START 2 processing files with ecmascript (for target os.linux.x86_64)
     DONE 2 processing files with ecmascript (for target os.linux.x86_64) took 163
     START 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target os.linux.x86_64)
[server]: ES2015 modules Compilation: 645.601ms
[server]: TypeScript Files Compilation: 1566.640ms
     DONE 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target os.linux.x86_64) took 2249
     START 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target os.linux.x86_64)
     DONE 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target os.linux.x86_64) took 0
     START 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target os.linux.x86_64)
     DONE 2 processing files with angular-compilers (for target os.linux.x86_64) took 0
     START 2 processing files with mys:fonts (for target os.linux.x86_64)
     DONE 2 processing files with mys:fonts (for target os.linux.x86_64) took 1
   DONE 1 building for os.linux.x86_64 took 3068
 END CAPTURE 0 building the application took 54877
 START CAPTURE 0 preparing to run took NaN
 END CAPTURE 0 preparing to run took 0
=> Started MongoDB.
 DONE 0 starting your app took 206064
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

@robfallows you are amazing, thank you! That code helped me figure out what’s making my build times so slow!

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