Meteor Zeit Windows error

I get this error trying to deploy an app with Zeit for windows, even trying to deploy a meteor test app.

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

sh: meteor: not found

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! file sh

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)


05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! errno ENOENT

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! syscall spawn

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! ProyectoFinal@ start: meteor run

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! spawn ENOENT

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR!

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! Failed at the ProyectoFinal@ start script.

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

npm ERR! /home/nowuser/.npm/_logs/2018-05-09T19_28_33_124Z-debug.log

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

The process exit before binding to a port. Maybe ‘listen()’ is missing?

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

More details:

05/09 02:28 PM (32m)

signal: 9

05/09 02:29 PM (32m)

npm start

05/09 02:29 PM (32m)

05/09 02:29 PM (32m)

ProyectoFinal@ start /home/nowuser/src

05/09 02:29 PM (32m)

meteor run

Are you using meteor-now]

yes the problem is that i cant deploy the applicatoon