I’m a bit curious to see whether anyone of you guys have gone from using Meteoric(Ionic for blaze) to Meteor-Angular(bootstraping with Ionic)
Are there any pros to doing so other than if you prefer Angular over blaze?
There seems to be a couple of features missing in the Meteoric-package but nothing that i’ve experienced as product breaking.
I’ve just been exploring the same thing and decided on the latter especially with direct support for Angular and React with Meteor 1.2. The Whatsapp tutorial is great to get started! I think if you want to grab that Angular/Ionic crowd it’s better to just embrace that rather than try to shoehorn Ionic into Blaze templates.
I’m personally using this package, which is newer than meteroric and is trending upwards. I suspect meteoric evolved out of no direct support for angular and so it was very popular for people who couldn’t wait for 1.2.