I have the following problem. I’m creating an Android program for university using MeteorJS that should scan a barcode of a product and then show information (nutrition, salt, sugar…) about it in the next site. I’m using “bobbigmac:scrape-parser” package to scrape http://www.codecheck.info/ website for the product information with the given barcode. Moreover, I’m using “phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner@4.0.2” barcode scanner.
However, there is an error in my code which I cannot find. Every time I scan a barcode, “code.check” method is called. After calling it the program always gives the following error:
Exception while simulating the effect of invoking 'code.check' ReferenceError: ScrapeParser is not defined(…) ReferenceError: ScrapeParser is not defined
at e (http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:169:27095)
at http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:57:12367
at t.extend.withValue (http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:3:7325)
at a.extend.apply (http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:57:12263)
at Ee [as apply] (http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:143:7640)
at a.extend.call (http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:57:11662)
at Object.e (http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:169:25520)
at http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:87:30879
at http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:87:16577
at http://localhost:12776/103fa376e3004b4c9afacff64c82bba13d4d0f29.js?meteor_js_resource=true:87:31512
It is strange that even with the error my program completes the calculations in the method and gives me the correct results (80% of the cases). However, times to times it doesn’t enter the method, giving the same error. (20% of the cases) Have you an idea how to fix it? This project is very important to me and I think I have tried everything fixing it but didn’t succeed.
Client code: (client/main.js)
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
'click .scanButton': function (event) {
function (result) {
if (confirm("You want to check the product with the following barcode? - " + result.text) == true) {
Meteor.call('code.check', result.text, function(err, result) {
if (result) {
Meteor.call('code.berechnen', result, function(err, score) {
if (score > 75) {
Session.set('classVar', 'progress-bar-success');
} else if (score >= 50 && score <= 75) {
Session.set('classVar', 'progress-bar-warning');
} else {
Session.set('classVar', 'progress-bar-danger');
Meteor.call('code.write', result, score, function(err, final) {
} else {
alert("You pressed Cancel!");
function (error) {
alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
Server code, methods: (imports/api/tasks.js)
export const list = new Ground.Collection('list', { connection: null });
'code.check'(info) {
console.log('the code is - ' + info);
allInfo = ScrapeParser.get('http://www.codecheck.info/product.search?q='+info);
ref = allInfo.references[1];
ScrapeParser.registerHelper('toInt', function(str, url) {
return parseInt('0'+str.replace(',', ''));
ScrapeParser.registerHelper('titleLinks', function(arr, url) {
return arr && arr.map(function(str) {
var $ = cheerio.load(str);
var link = $('a.title');
return { link: link.attr('href'), title: link.text() };
ScrapeParser.reset(); // Remove any/all stored parsers
ScrapeParser.parser(ref, {
titles: { path: 'td.c3', content: true, multi: true },
prozent: { path: 'td.c-2', content: true, multi: true },
packung: { path: 'body > div.page.product-info > div.float-group > div.page-col-1-2-left > div.block.prod-basic-info > div > div:nth-child(2) > p:nth-child(2)', content: true, multi: true },
name: { path: 'div.page-title-headline h1', content: true, multi: true },
ScrapeParser.resetExcept([ref]); // Remove stored parsers except those in array
values = ScrapeParser.get(ref);
values.packung[0] = values.packung[0].replace(",", ".");
values.name[0] = values.name[0].trim();
values.titles[4] = values.prozent[0];
values.titles[5] = values.prozent[1];
values.titles[6] = values.prozent[3];
values.titles[7] = values.packung[0];
values.titles[8] = values.name[0];
return values;
“code.berechnen” method just does simple math (+/-*) calculations and “code.write” saves the results into GroundDB database. You can find the full code in this repository: https://github.com/LukasNavickas/meteor-reference-error
If you want to try it, clone the repository and try launching it on the emulator, android device or iOS device.
Do you have any ideas how could I fix this error and get the results in 100% of the cases?
Thank you in advance!