Meteorman 2.0 has been released!

Hello, I want to share you this ddp client to test meteor methods and publications.


  • Collections
    • Create and remove collections of Meteor endpoints (Methods and Publications).
    • Export collections in JSON format.
    • Import collections.
    • Create folders (and nested folders) inside collections.
    • Save endpoints into collections from “Open Endpoints” section.
  • New Layout
    • Connection tabs (to connect to different Meteor Servers)
    • Endpoint tabs per connection
    • Collections panel per connection
    • Text field of Object and Array params can be expanded.
    • Frameless window and header section is draggable.
    • Splash screen when it starts.
  • Documentation
    • Document your endpoints with Markdown (Includes: Tool bar, Preview, Side By Side (Code/Preview), Fullscreen editing).
  • Autosave
    • All information related to collections and endpoint tabs are saved in local storage, so, you can close Meteorman and when you open it again, your last information remains intact.
    • Not considered yet: Have last open folders in collections panel, have last selected endpoint tab, persist server connection data.

Awesome! Will you also provide a .deb or Flatpack packages Linux?

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@diavrank95 It is great.
Could set the autocomplete for the Method/Pub name and the params for helping?

Hello, I have just updated the link of Linux installer for Debian distributions. You can try again to download the linux version or click here.

Also, I kept the old installer (AppImage, you can see it here), but as you comment, maybe there are more Ubuntu users (or Debian family) who develop on Linux. Alternatively, the installer can be generated for other linux distributions by changing the target option located in the package.json file.

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Could set the autocomplete for the Method/Pub name and the params for helping?

Mmm I didn’t understand the question. Autocomplete based on what? Like predictions (e.g. tab nine plugin) or something like that?

Yes like Autocomplete on VS Code.

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That would be a nice feature to have, we will consider it to the next version :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Thanks a lot!

This is very cool. Haven’t had a chance to play around with it but Windows 10 was giving me a lot of hassle installing it since I assume the package wasn’t signed.

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I am working on it these days :slight_smile: and I notify you when it’s already signed.

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@diavrank95 I tried Meteorman, very good ! One simple thing… how can close it ?

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Of course, if you are on:

Windows: Do right click on the Meteorman header and then click on Close option.
Mac: It does appears the window buttons in the top left-hand corner.
Linux: Do right click on the Meteorman icon located in the task bar (in Ubuntu 20.04 is in the left side) and then click on Close option.

yes but I was also expecting an “exit” or “close” button on application… anyway that’s okay too

Cool will check it out!! Thanks for all of the hard work that went into this! :slight_smile:

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Great job @diavrank95 :tada: and really cool you guys made it with Vue :white_check_mark: I posted this over in the #vue Slack channel :grinning: