Meteor's popularity is spiking?

Anyone know if there’s a single source of the reason for this uptick in overall Meteor usage?

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Maybe it is mistakenly counting Apollo usage as Meteor usage?

The Apollo usage metrics are definitely wrong:

It’s possible that it might also be from increased usage of VulcanJS. Or from Rocket Chat.

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I don’t think it’s counting Apollo. But I think it’s mostly Rocket Chat it has high traction, even the Canadian government is using it…maybe Stoplight and VulcanJS are contributing as well.

Those metrics are for a now defunct Wordpress theme called Apollo.

I’m not so sure I trust Built With’s approach to analytics, but in Meteor’s case I’ll make an exception! :chart_with_upwards_trend: :tada: :slightly_smiling_face:


Perhaps people finally got wind of how advanced, reliable, and productive this framework really is.


At least I can tell you that there are weekly newbie questions from total beginners coming in on Stack overflow. Although not a reliable source, it shows at least that there is constant interest in the framework.

If there is time I (or someone else) could generate a query (SO hast a great API for analysis) to quantify this statement.

Did a quick “browse” of the sample urls and the one that I can quickly deduce is that urls. So yeah, most probably rocket chat

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