Anyone know if there’s a single source of the reason for this uptick in overall Meteor usage?
Maybe it is mistakenly counting Apollo usage as Meteor usage?
The Apollo usage metrics are definitely wrong:
It’s possible that it might also be from increased usage of VulcanJS. Or from Rocket Chat.
I don’t think it’s counting Apollo. But I think it’s mostly Rocket Chat it has high traction, even the Canadian government is using it…maybe Stoplight and VulcanJS are contributing as well.
Those metrics are for a now defunct Wordpress theme called Apollo
I’m not so sure I trust Built With’s approach to analytics, but in Meteor’s case I’ll make an exception!
Perhaps people finally got wind of how advanced, reliable, and productive this framework really is.
At least I can tell you that there are weekly newbie questions from total beginners coming in on Stack overflow. Although not a reliable source, it shows at least that there is constant interest in the framework.
If there is time I (or someone else) could generate a query (SO hast a great API for analysis) to quantify this statement.
Did a quick “browse” of the sample urls and the one that I can quickly deduce is that urls. So yeah, most probably rocket chat