Microsoft Edge Browser Issue When Subscription

Hello Guys,

Does anyone here encountered the same issue we experienced on Microsoft Edge browser on subscription time? Some of our functionality doesn’t work on Edge browser but working fine on Chrome and Firefox. When we tried to use the Edge for some pages of the system we created we got error log below.

Exception from sub Jobs_relations id E522XGshRZYs8igf7 Error: Exception while polling query {"collectionName":"jobs_relations","selector":{"the_customer.address.complete":{"$regex":{"$regexp":"67 hunter"}},"deleted":false},"options":{"transform":null}}: $regex has to be a string
I20181129-06:33:54.705(0)?     at PollingObserveDriver._pollMongo (packages/mongo/polling_observe_driver.js:165:11)
I20181129-06:33:54.705(0)?     at Object.task (packages/mongo/polling_observe_driver.js:93:12)
I20181129-06:33:54.705(0)?     at Meteor._SynchronousQueue.SQp._run (packages/meteor.js:987:16)
I20181129-06:33:54.705(0)?     at packages/meteor.js:964:12

Is this issue resolvable? :frowning:

Thanks in advance for the help!