Migrating off of Meteor Accounts

At Unchained, we’ve recently migrated off of Meteor Accounts and I thought it’d be nice to share our experience with you guys. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for sharing! Ironically AccountJS was created by ex-meteor community members based on the experience they had with Meteor.

There seems to be a pattern with these open-source Meteor based frameworks, I’ve noticed similar decision making with VulcanJS.

Initially, at inception, the developers go with meteor to get a head start and gain traction, then once the framework stabilizes and gains some adoption they shift their focus toward attracting new devs to contribute and they start migrating to the most common/familiar/demanded approach in the ecosystem, which might make sense for open source.

Meanwhile, closed source products don’t need to always adopt the latest and greatest, their focus is more on profit-making and meeting customers requirements.

Just an observation.


I sometimes think it’d make sense for Meteor to simply start spinning out it’s internals to standalone projects of these types, then make the Meteor “platform” a consumer of them.


There seems to be a pattern with these open-source Meteor based frameworks, I’ve noticed similar decision making with VulcanJS.

Yeah Meteor had pretty revolutionary ideas when it first came out back in the day so no wonder many people were inspired by it.

I sometimes think it’d make sense for Meteor to simply start spinning out it’s internals to standalone projects of these types, then make the Meteor “platform” a consumer of them.

Meteor is somewhat is on this track already with their plan to transition to NPM. :crossed_fingers:

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It might be fine as it, the framework doesn’t need to please everyone, it will end up being another express/npm framework. The tighter integration does have some merits.

Personally, I think the focus should be pleasing profitable businesses bootstrapped using Meteor.


Nice! We just did this too with Level Up. I’ve considered inlining an AccountsJS fork now that it’s integrated. There are some weird things with the accountsjs EMS setup. ie when trying to use AccountsJS as ESM, things break. Just something to be aware of as we all move in that direction.

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huh, I didn’t know about that. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah you won’t hit it if you always are compiling with babel, but there is some funky stuff in the imports that need some unraveling. I would submit a pr, but tbh I don’t know why it was done the way it was. https://github.com/accounts-js/accounts/blob/master/packages/graphql-client/src/index.ts File.

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