From time to time, we are getting this type of error in montiAPM
Error: Cannot find module '/node_modules/react-youtube/dist/YouTube.js'
at meteor://💻app/packages/modules-runtime.js:232:11
at makeMissingError (meteor://💻app/packages/modules-runtime.js:335:14)
at fileEvaluate (meteor://💻app/packages/modules-runtime.js:248:13)
at require (meteor://💻app/packages/modules.js:346:21)
at link (meteor://💻app/packages/dynamic-import.js:215:9)
at getNamespace (meteor://💻app/packages/dynamic-import.js:50:11)
at apply (meteor://💻app/packages/meteor.js:1343:21)
clientArch: web.browser.legacy
But the client is a modern browser:
Browser: Chrome (Blink) - Mac OS - 10.15.7
Therefore, the file cannot be found because dynamic import is looking for the file within the modern build, but it was looking for a legacy file; therefore, the dynamic import fails.
Any recommendation on what we should be checking? This happens maybe once or twice a week