Monetization of Webapp and App

Dear community,
I was searching for a solution a long time now, but I don’t come forth. I develop an app and the business model of my client is to earn money with included ads. I started my research a long time ago and found/tried different companies: kiip, appnext (, mobfox, admob and mopub. But a lot of them don’t support an JavaScript-API. Now I am trying propellerads (

I have a few questions relating to this topic:

  1. What are your companies/solutions to earn money with advertisement within your meteor-app?
  2. How will they work within a native app after deployment?
  3. Are there any troubles with this kind of advertisement in the iTunes-Store or the Google-Play-Store?
  4. I wonder that there was no discussion about this topic so far here in the forum.

I know, these are a lot of questions and I hope not to break any rules here. I am just really needing some more informations and solutions relating to this topic.

Kind regards,

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