Hi, I have a device that is pretty similar to the current Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, but it’s running on Yocto Project instead of something like Raspbian. Now I thought of making a Meteor application that will run on that kind of device, however since it has 1GB ram it needs to be pretty light, and mongo is an issue there, since only on startup it takes about 200mb of ram immediately and I have yet to test it in an operational state.
So is there a way to remove mongo fully from the project, since I kind of don’t need it, I would only need the client and server, and eventually write to some files or something else?
In my search, I came across the option to remove mongo from the meteor-platform package but it seems like that package is now deprecated and this solution is now useless.
There is also this: https://github.com/frozeman/meteor-build-client which bundles just the client side of the app, however I would also need the server part.
Also I looked into node-webkit, and that seems interesting, however it would exclude Meteor in a way.
I also need to try TingoDb which is supposed to be an alernative for Mongo, but I am not sure how that will work out.
Do you have any ideas on running Meteor on Yocto without Mongo being a memory hog, or even how to exclude Mongo?