Mongoclient - MongoDB Management Tool

Ooh, I see. Ideally mongoclient has been created to manage your MongoDB databases regardless of the applications. Therefore of course you can manage your meteor application’s database with mongoclient. When you execute meteor command it sets a default database for you. Here’s a stackoverflow answer about it.

To summarize (as far as I know):

  • Hostname: localhost or (both should work)
  • Port: 3001
  • Database Name: meteor

And you don’t need any credentials to connect it.

Thanks! Great. It worked. Do you also have any examples on how to execute queries? I just get Syntax error on selector. Unexpected token.

If I choose find in Query. Am I not suppose to write {name: “Pelle”} in selector?

You can have a look at the wiki page. But currently you need to provide a valid JSON on selectors to execute a query. Your query should look like:

{"name": "Pelle"}

Ok thanks!
¨But it seem that the application crashes when I try to change a value in a collection. My connection breaks.

Hmm, that’s strange. If you encounter that again, please open an issue on github with the details of your problem.


I would like to announce that now we have INSPINA’s extended license :slight_smile:

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