Mongodb find() v-for with parameters

I have and id “fr3.id1” and I want this v-for="fr4Name in friendslist3Name" to get the name from the DB where the id “fr3.id1” match.

<div style="width:100%;" v-for="(fr3) in friendslist3" :key="fr3.id1">

<v-card v-for="fr4Name in friendslist3Name" :key="fr4Name._id">

 <h2 v-if="fr4Name.firstname" class="headline black-shadow white--text" v-text="fr4Name.firstname + ' ' + fr4Name.lastname"></h2>

This is my mongodb find(): friendslist3Name() { return Meteor.users.find({ _id: id1 }); } (it dont work)

Howto tell my Meteor.users.find that i only shall get the user with “id1” (it can be 2121dsfsfsv1s2dg)