[MongoDB] Query customers with conditional

// Server
export const Companies = new Mongo.Collection('companies');
export const Customers = new Mongo.Collection('customers');
export const Orders = new Mongo.Collection('orders');

Customers.schema = new SimpleSchema({
    companyId: {regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id},

Orders.schema = new SimpleSchema({
    customerId: {regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id},
    orderDate: {type: Date()},

Would you help me get all Customers in specify Company that have Orders in specify orderDate



Does anybody can help me? Thanks!

My understanding is that with Mongo and other nosql dbs you perform the logic for queries like this in your application instead of in Mongo.

In your case something like this:

// These should probably be passed as params to a function
const companyId = 'exampleIdString';
const ordersSince = new Date(2017, 6, 1); // 1st July 2017

// Find all customers in the specified company. Fetch the array of results 
// and immediately filter them
return customers = Customers.find({ companyId }).fetch().filter(customer => {
  // For each customer, search if there is an order after the specified date. 
  // `findOne` returns undefined if no records are found. use `!!` to force boolean response
  return !!Orders.findOne({
     customerId: customer._id, 
     orderDate: {
       $gte: ordersSince
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You can use an aggregation package to get distinct customer ids from orders.

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Better yet you can use rawCollection

Orders.rawCollection().distinct('customerId', {orderDate:{ordersSince}}).then(...
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I use the Meteor package reywood:publish-composite # supports more complex publishing functions

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A quick suggestion for an aggregation, using meteorhacks:aggregate to add the aggregate method:

  { // All customers in company
    $match: {
  { // All orders for each customer into "orders" field as list
    $lookup: {
      from: "orders",
      localField: "_id",
      foreignField: "customerId",
      as: "orders"
  { // Make a doc for each element in orders
    $unwind: "$orders"
  { // Find only the orders at orderDate (Not sure this works with nested fields in aggregation)
    $match: {
      "orders.orderDate": orderDate
  { // Group the orders back up into customers with a list of matching orders
    $group: {
      _id: "$_id",
      orders: { $push: "$orders" }
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