MongoDB Query Find Object of an Array by its ID

I have a collection called Farms

This is a document from farms:

    "_id" : ObjectId("513c7db4c079dc17dc75fc26"),
    "ownerId" : "J8MpsWChPQdET6jwQ",
    "seeds" : [ 
            "_id" : ObjectId("513c7db4c079dc17dc75fc26"),
            "count" : 1
            "_id" : ObjectId("513c7db4c079dc11dc75fc26"),
            "count" : 1
            "_id" : ObjectId("5b5867e081702f675304230f"),
            "count" : 5

I want to get seeds arrays object by its id.For example return:

            "_id" : ObjectId("513c7db4c079dc17dc75fc26"),
            "count" : 1

This is what i tried:
Farms.find({"ownerId": userid,"seeds._id":seedId},{"seeds._id":1,"seeds.count":1})

returns all document