MongoDB Query How to get one field value?

Hi guys i am new to mongodb i am trying to write a query to get a single field value from db:

    "_id" : "vK4PvdNBfBbdv92PH",
    "ownerId" : "J8MpsWChPQdET6jwQ",
    "createdAt" : ISODate("2018-07-04T07:25:28.406Z"),
    "spots" : [ 
            "name" : "spot1",
            "construction" : false,
            "constructingBuildingName" : "",
            "buildingName" : "factory",
            "level" : 1,
            "startTime" : 0,
            "finishTime" : 0
            "name" : "spot2",
            "construction" : true,
            "constructingBuildingName" : "Farm",
            "buildingName" : "",
            "level" : 0,
            "startTime" : 1530863511,
            "finishTime" : 1530864011
            "name" : "spot3",
            "construction" : false,
            "constructingBuildingName" : "",
            "buildingName" : "",
            "level" : 0,
            "startTime" : 0,
            "finishTime" : 0

In this case I am trying to get under spot2 “constructingBuildingName” s “Farm” value.

What i wrote is :
var constructingBuildingName = Towns.find({ownerId:userid,spots:{$elemMatch:{name:spot}}});
spot is = “spot2”

What should be the rest ?

If I understand correctly, you want to get only ‘spots.constructingBuildingName’ value ? You can do that using Field specifiers (check the doc).

Like this:

    '': spot,
    fields : {
      'spots.constructingBuildingName': 1,

@atf, that will return

    "_id" : "vK4PvdNBfBbdv92PH",
    "spots" : [ 
            "constructingBuildingName" : ""
            "constructingBuildingName" : "Farm"
            "constructingBuildingName" : ""

because the field specifier can only pick fields maintaining the paths. It can’t change the shape or filter array fields.

@lastpeony, you’ll have to use aggregation for that.
Try this:

const { constructingBuildingName } = _.first(
        { $match: { ownerId: userid, '': spot } },
        { $limit: 1 },
        { $unwind: '$' },
        { $match: { '': spot } },
        { $limit: 1 },
        { $project: { constructingBuildingName: '$spots.constructingBuildingName', _id: 0 } },
) || {};