Mongodb upsert howto insert checkbox array


I have a friendlist with checkboxes, where you can check a checkbox if a person is invited to a event.

if I have checked to persons my console log give me : [ ‘FjoBeedAQvJYSxgAs’, ‘TTHyxmmpdqzpmGttc’ ]

my submit meteor call

submit () {
    'addinvite',this.thepeople, function(error, response) {});

my method in main.js server

  addinvite: function(thepeople) {

      let meteorUser = Meteor.userId();
        {userId: meteorUser},
        {$addToSet:{invitedId: thepeople } }

That will give me this wrong one

    "_id" : "7kP4oFngCZ8tQ9EED",
    "userId" : "v4b7cSa3uHqDk4Nm9",
    "invitedId" : [ 

The problem is that if I add new people it addeds it in [USERID], and not in one

How to make it like this:

    "_id" : "7kP4oFngCZ8tQ9EED",
    "userId" : "v4b7cSa3uHqDk4Nm9",
    "invitedId" :   [ 

OR better like this:

"_id" : "v4b7cSa3uHqDk4Nm9",
  "invitedId" : [ 
            "userid" : "FjoBeedAQvJYSxgAs",
            "status" : 0
            "userid" : "TTHyxmmpdqzpmGttc",
            "status" : 0


Looks like it is inserting the array instead of the elements of the array.

Use $each to insert each element:

    { userId: meteorUser },
    { $addToSet:{ invitedId: { $each: thepeople } } }

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Perfect thanks, have used each before but have just forgot that I had to use it

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