Multiple sessions logout immediately after login

i am using meteor for server side and ionic for client side
for connect ionic with meteor using following js
meteor-client-side, accounts-base-client-side, accounts-password-client-side

Step to reproduce auto logout issues
Step 1 : open in Tab 1 and login user can see feed
Step 2 : open another Tab 2 directly see feed screen
Step 3 : Logout Tab 2 user
Step 4 : Tab 2 try to login In this case Login done but after some second user auto logout

for login using following code

$meteor.loginWithPassword($scope.credentials.username, $scope.credentials.password)
.then(function() {
console.log('Login success ');
//alert("logged in: " + $scope.credentials.username);
}, function(_error) {
console.log('Login error - ', _error);
alert("Error: " + _error.reason);

for logout using following code

$meteor.logout().then(function(_response) {

Hi @vishalwayachal did you manage to resolve this issue?

Looking at the code + the age (most likely Meteor 1.x), there should be no then functions as those functions are not promises, unless you are doing here something special with Ionic and the other packages. Can you please provide links to them so that we can have a look.
Still it is strange that the user gets auto logged out like that.