Mupx deployment to ubuntu server issue root_url not working as url after deployment

I’ve set the root url to my domain name and when the project has finished the the only way to access it is from the server ip address.

Do you have the dns set up correctly?

I think I have the dns set up right but I’m not so sure though

Does your url match the ip you expect?

it gave me an error determining ip address when I looked it up

So it sounds like your dns isn’t set up properly. Your registrar should be pointing to the nameservers of your host. On the host end, you will have to configure things also, linking the domain name to the ip.

I’m sorry I’m new to this. I used google domains and I have a private dedicated server for a server provider and should I create my own name server entry or just use the google given name servers?

You will have to use the nameservers of whatever VPS you are using.

I think I set them up correctly correctly

If they are set up correctly, you should see your domain mapped to your ip. Which doesn’t seem to be the case. Maybe try getting in touch with your hosting provider for help integrating with google domains? Not really a Meteor issue at this point.

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