Mws-simple signature problem

let mws = require(‘mws-simple’)({
accessKeyId: ourAmazonController.awsAccessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: ourAmazonController.secret,
merchantId: ourAmazonController.sellerId

var ourFeedContent = `
                  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
                    <AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd">
                            <Title>Lyric 500 tc Queen Flat Sheet, Ivory</Title>
                            <Brand>Test Brand</Brand>
                              This is a test product and is not for purchase.
                            <BulletPoint>test bullet 1</BulletPoint>
                            <BulletPoint>test bullet 2</BulletPoint>
                            <Manufacturer>test manufacturer</Manufacturer>
                            <SearchTerms>test search term</SearchTerms>
                            <ItemType>test item type</ItemType>

let submitFeed = {
  feedContent: ourFeedContent,
  query: {
    Action: 'SubmitFeed',
    FeedType: '_POST_PRODUCT_DATA_',
    'MarketplaceIdList.Id.1': ourAmazonController.marketplaceId,
    Version: '2009-01-01'

mws.request(submitFeed, function(e, result) {

Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');
var myFuture = new Future();

mws.request(submitFeed, function(error, results) {
  if ( error ) {
  } else {
  //consoleLogObject("results", results);


return myFuture.wait(); // wait for the mws http call to return