Need Bootstrap 4 DateTimePicker

Good day everyone,

I am new to meteor and have been trying to work with the datetime pickers in atmosphere but nothing seems to work from there.

I have viewed a few options online but when I try to hook them in they are not working and I am getting errors just even initializing them.

I am hoping someone has some experience getting this working and can point me in the right direction. I am using Meteor 2.1 with Blaze Layouts

Thank you

Assuming that you use react, one of your best options would be this:

Thank you for your answer, I have updated my question as I missed the layout. I am using Blaze.

I am assuming you are going to use it with Autoform. I use drewy:autoform-datetimepicker - a customised one. Copy this to local packages folder in your project and remove the constraints in package.js and it works perfectly well with bootstrap4

If you use it with AutoForm and it is not in the BS4 AutoForm theme then please open an issue or provide a PR :slight_smile: