Need help with Hosting, new to meteor

Hello all,
I have a few questions in regards to hosting meteor apps. I need to host a few small meteor apps that will each have 1-3 users. I played with the free meteor hosting which was great but it seems that it is gone for good.

  • What are my options for hosting. I’m a little lost on the $ cost per container hour with galaxy. No idea what $0.035 per container hour translates to monthly. The apps would have a combined weekly user usage of 15-30 minutes.

  • Can I host multiple apps on one service/container? The apps are such small in scale that I could not justify having multiple hosting. Can I host multipal apps on one service or would I need to combine it into one app and use routing for separate apps?.

  • I’m looking for easy setup I dont want to spend to much time managing the server. Galaxy looks appealing in this regard but I’ve been hearing $25 a month for the service which is just to much for a size/users of the apps.

You’re looking at about $25/month with the smallest container. ($0.035 * 24 * 30)
Each app has its own containers, so you need to spin up at least one container per app (eg. >=$25/month/app).
Galaxy is by far the easiest option.

$25/month/app (excluding your database, which could be a free mlab account) is a fantastic deal considering you will spend $0 on maintenance. Every single other alternative will immediately cost you more in terms of your own time.

Galaxy does not include mongodb?

So If I went with Galaxy, I’d need to roll all the apps into one to keep the cost down. $25 is a little much for the app size and usage. What other options are out there?

Check out Heroku. You can use their free plan. The only downside to it is the app has to sleep for I believe 6 hours but if it’s a small app your just testing they are great. Then you can use mLab with the free account as well. To deploy you just use the Heroku build pack horse. It works great if you want free hosting but for paid Galaxy is the way to go.

I can wholeheartedly recommend scalingo for hosting:

  • one command deploy
  • mongodb included
  • great support
  • cheap

I couldn’t ask for more. :slight_smile:
Check it out.

NodeChef offers the highest quality Meteor hosting at the moment at a price that every developer can afford. Since you have three very small apps, You can host each at NodeChef for $9/month. And NodeChef comes with a managed MongoDB so you are saved the inconvenience of going to set up a database with another provider.

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+1 for nodechef

I wrote a guide for hosting with CD on their platform here

so far it’s been great, it’s actually a LOT faster than my Digital Ocean mup setup (which is the cheapest option for deploying a meteor app with 100% uptime right now @ $5/month all in, but mup is not stable yet), even my staging env on a 128mb container works fine for testing.

+1 for multiple apps on one DigitalOcean droplet :wink: (of course you need to be aware of how big the apps are :wink: ) How do I host multiple Meteor apps on one DigitalOcean Droplet (5$/month).

I am still curious about this question :slight_smile:

Can I host multiple apps on one service/container? The apps are such small in scale that I could not justify having multiple hosting. Can I host multipal apps on one service or would I need to combine it into one app and use routing for separate apps?.

Can anyone shed some light ?