Nested autoforms


I’m trying to do some nested autoform magic but I’m not sure how to do it right.

I’m using to test the schema out.

Okay, so I’ve tried this, which works:

   days: {
      type: Array,
      optional: true,
      minCount: 1,
      maxCount: 4
   "days.$": {
      type: Array,
      label: "Workouts",
      optional: true,
      minCount: 1,
      maxCount: 4
   "days.$.$": {
      type: Number

Looks fine, gives me one field inside two nested arrays. But what I want to do is like this:

   days: {
      type: Array,
      optional: true,
      minCount: 1,
      maxCount: 4
   "days.$": {
      type: Array,
      label: "Workouts",
      optional: true,
      minCount: 1,
      maxCount: 4
   "days.$.$.workoutType": {
      type: Number
   "days.$.$.sets": {
      type: Number
   "days.$.$.reps": {
      type: Number

It doesn’t render anything, and I’m not sure how to solve this. Can someone help me?


not sure if this what you are looking for but it might help.

   day: {
      type: Array,
      optional: true,
      minCount: 1,
      maxCount: 4
   "day.$": {
      type: Object
   "day.$.title": {
      type: String
   "day.$.workout": {
      type: Array,
      optional: true,
      minCount: 1,
      maxCount: 4
   "day.$.workout.$": {
      type: Object
   "day.$.workout.$.workoutType": {
      type: String
   "day.$.workout.$.reps": {
      type: String
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Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for