Nested Menu Component

I’ve been working on extracting Telescope’s menu component to make it possible to integrate it with any app:

Basically, it can take a flat list of items with _ids and parentIds and generate a nested menu from it. It also comes with two premade styles/behaviors, for collapsible and dropdown menus. And you can customize any of its templates.

Let me know what you think, and if there are other parts of Telescope you’d like me to extract out!


Great Work :thumbsup:

I moved the package to its own repo:

Hi Sacha,

You have done a great Job, Nice to see that you have come up with the repository link.

Thanks for sharing.

I will look into the code what you have done, recently I have came across the same issue in one of my projects. But I have created the Select Menu.

Check this : [SOLVED] Meteor Category - Sub Category Menu (Coding Help)
