New Article Advocating for Sync Engines (a la Meteor Live Data)

Linked today on HackerNews: “Sync Engines are the Future”

…getting data is a continuous process: data changes over time and becomes stale, requests fail, updates arrive later than you might’ve wanted, or out of order. Errors will happen. Occasional if (!response.ok) will not get you very far.

fetch(new Request('/user/update', { method: 'POST' })).then((response) => {
  if (!response.ok) {
    // Do what? Pretend it never happened?
    // Stop the entire application?
    // Retry? What if user already issued another update that invalidates this one?
    // What if update actually got through?

And you can’t just give up and declare everything invalid. You have to keep working. You need a system. You can’t solve this problem at the level of single request.

Meteor Live Data is relevant here. Is Meteor the premiere sync-engine framework?

See previous discussion on this topic on this thread.

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