New MDG project: The Meteor Guide

I would like to see a chapter about Offline Apps in the Guide. Currently i suppose there isn’t an official way but it can be done with the GroundDB package. Maybe explaining the usage with mobile apps is appreciated too.
Is there a proper way of requesting a chapter or a chapter subject deepening?


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+1 Great, that’s exactly what I was looking for when I started with Meteor!

+1 for this. But I don’t envy you. I was trying the same being the MD of a software company, and I know how hard it is even in this position :smile:

This cookbook sounds looks very interesting and I have to admit that I never heard of it before. Maybe you should promote it a bit more?

File an issue please!

There’s a long backstory there. It actually has been promoted, particularly on the East Coast, which is why it’s at 1500 stars, and is the largest resource of its kind. It’s arguably been an influence on the Meteor Chef, Meteor Kitchen, and and the Meteor Cookbook from Packt, which are all trying to take the general concept and extend it.

But there’s a few things that’s held the github version back over the years… a) it’s not dogfooding the Meteor platform as its app layer, b) it was compiled in New York instead of San Francisco, so there’s a bit of not-invented-here syndrome going on from the SF crowd, and c) it was compiled by a woman, and apparently that’s an issue for some people.

Going forward, I’m actually integrating it into the Clinical Meteor project. I’m trying to publish the recipes as packages, which will mean I can actually take those things out, which means less overall maintenance, and a tighter focus on building apps for the healthcare industry. Plus, I want to leverage the 1500 stars towards Clinical Release. It will probably all wind up as the GitHub repo that directs to.

Meteor Cookbook is dead. Long live the Cookbook. :slight_smile:

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b) it was compiled in New York instead of San Francisco, so there’s a bit of not-invented-here syndrome going on from the SF crowd, and

This sounds weird.

c) it was compiled by a woman, and apparently that’s an issue for some people.

Tell me you are kidding!


Wish I were. Quite a bit of back-channel micro-aggression. One of the main reasons I’m pivoting the Cookbook project back into the healthcare sector.

But whatever. This isn’t the time or place to have that discussion.


Thanks @sashko, it was already being tracked here.

Even if it is not part of the first version, we can begin looking at a balance for some basic offline functionality in apps.

@sashko, in the wake of announcement of galaxy dev edition, it would be nice if the Guide included a chapter on connecting galaxy instance to a mongo hosting provider, as well as on how to do a minimum mongo setup.

Way ahead of you! Here’s the relevant outline:

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What can I say - you’re a farseeing bunch! :smile:
I hope that one is in the midlle of the list of priorities, not below.

You’re in luck, since I think Tom’s working on it this week :]

I think there are a lot of issues in Meteor that can be solved through better documentation rather than any new features or code.


Could not agree more

Hi @sashko this is a really great idea. Thank you from a relative noob to meteor who got super excited by meteor, started developing but was losing confidence in the community. I think meteor is such an amazing idea and really want to see it succeed.

We really need this!

It would be great if the guide also includes an optimal way how to secure your MongoDB instance when you have multiple instances on different hosts (not binded to localhost). If I see the news from the last 2 weeks, there were a lot of data leaks because of wrong configured MongoDB installations.

Going through the Meteor Guide, I couldn’t spot any section dedicated to Forms.

Will a section be dedicated to forms someday or even in the works? I think forms are a pretty basic aspect of websites, and having a section in the guide to handle how meteor approaches forms will be great.

Maybe they didn’t add it yet because Autoform has a good documentation on its GitHub page.

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I figured autoform will be mentioned sooner or later in this thread. But let’s be honest, there’re more issues on the aldeed autoform than there’re workarounds I know of. Plus, the workings of autoform are that of high level there aren’t much to learn as a beginner from the package.

For instance, Microscope tutorials offer ways of handling form without any package. That’s what I was hoping could be added to the guide. Steps to insert form data, update, delete, using upsert, inserting arrays, updating arrays - are all basic functionalities of forms, that a guide on them won’t be a bad thing.

I’m yet to find a good tutorial on how to, for instance, add arrays and update them manually without using any package on the web. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to over-rely on a package for basic stuffs such as handling basic forms.

Autoform is good, but it’s even better, when beginners know how to roll out their own simple forms to handle simple form tasks without having to dig through a new package to get forms to work.

We didn’t do forms because we don’t have experience building apps with a lot of forms, and there isn’t an example app to look at for those requirements. So we’re first focusing on things we do know.

We’ll need to come up with an app that is a good demonstration of a line-of-business app with a lot of data input, maybe inventory management or something.

We could open a new forum thread to come up with ideas!