🔥 New Release: BlazeUI - a component resolver for Tailwind components in Blaze

Hey Blaze community :fire:

I am getting close in releasing a new component library for Blaze, named BlazeUI. This thread will act as a little update-newsfeed.

What is BlazeUI?

The library is designed to provide ready-to-use Blaze components with default Tailwind styles out of the box. It’s inspired by React libraries, such as shacdn, radixui or headlessui.

Components are designed to enclose minimal state so you don’t need to implement interaction logic, while at the same time keep this state entirely capsuled so it won’t “leak” to the outside.

The default theme supports light/dark mode out of the box, too! The underlying blazeui:core package helps to manage the Tailwind classes so you don’t get “tailwind fatigue” that easily :smiley:

Is there something to “see” already?

I will constantly update a demo website under


It will contain a preview and code example for every component available in the libraries.

Additionally, there is a sneak peek in our TWIM episode:

Where can I get it?

The BlazeUI core, the components, the default theme and a starter project (skeleton) will be available under free (MIT) license via

Keep this thread watching for more updates!


That’s great stuff Jan! :clap: If we had a native date-range picker option in Blaze it would be fantastic. We’re heavily invested in bootstrap so I would have to see how we can replace the Tailwind side of things. I guess we can just put our own classes in once we’ve copied a component ?

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Yes, under the hood it used twmerge and clsx to merge and deduplicate classes. You can also override classes etc.

Can you show me a package or repo that currently implements this data range? Language is secondary. Thanks @marklynch

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I’m not sure I follow Jan… I just mean like the shadcn component here
I watched a bit of the TWIM and saw you were looking at that. Not sure if there was an issue with it or it depends on something else in the react world?

We’re currently using https://litepicker.com/

Thanks @marklynch I just wanted to make sure we talk about the same component. I am definitely looking to mimic as many components from shacdn as possible, including date/range pickers.

Let’s see how far this can get.


Quick update: first component previews are added to https://blazeui.meteorapp.com/


That’s fantastic Jan!

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Great work @jkuester :clap:

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Today I finally released 1.0.0 of blazeui:core and blazeui:components and made the repositories available on GitHub: BlazeUI · GitHub

What’s in it?

There are over 20 components already provided! This still contains only a subset of all the components that shacdn provides but its a good starting point to build things.

Can I contribute?

Yes, please! I am looking forward to contributions as I hope this will get the Blaze community drive again to move forward.

What’s next?

I will continue to provide some more components, like calendar and popover.

Mid- to long-term I also want to build “pro” component examples and themes, similar to what tailwind offers but available as private repository for my sponsors.