New Windows Installer - please report any problems

Hi everyone,

We just pushed a new windows installer to, which is pointed to from the front page.

As opposed to the old installer, which came bundled with a specific release of Meteor, this new installer always downloads the latest version of Meteor and installs it.

I’m posting this thread in case someone has issues with the new installer. If you or anyone you know has any problems running it please respond on this thread with information such as the version of Windows used, and if there are any proxy or other potentially relevant network configuration settings.



Nice work :sunglasses: . Idea of an ETA for Android deployment on windows?

the latest Windows installer on the main page does not work.

this one however worked:

the one on the main page seems to be the version 1.0, while this link is 1.1

1 Like

The new installer always installs the latest release so we gave it the dummy version 1.0.

What exactly doesn’t work? Is there an error? If so, Can you send a screenshot?

Are you behind a firewall or proxy? (We tested it behind standard proxy configurations but some network configurations may still have issues. Here’s an alternate installation method:

The problem WAS:
The installer runs, but then when running meteor, first the PATH is not set, but even after setting the PATH, the meteor.bat located at Users<user>\AppData\Local.meteor\ looks up another bat file at
Users<user>\AppData\Local.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.3\\meteor.bat and that file is missing, as well as the binary.

NOW, I just tried again today, downloaded the package again, and it worked, so I guess the package has been rebuilt in the mean time.

good grief not only cant i upload the log file (no such facility exists) but links to GIT gists are treated as 2+ links in a post and as a new user can’t do that either. * SIGH *

Damn, sorry about that. I upgraded your trust level, please try again.

Hi and thanks sashko.

links to the logs:

still can’t upload screen shot screen shot of my error

Also I don’t know why my original post is marked for deletion. I’d cancelled another … nvm

What can’t be seen (now) in the post is: >>>>>

"This is what I get with both installers (Elroys and the main pages). The exe in elroys link is ~63 MB and the main pages is 1.2 MB.

I’ve attached a screen shot and logs of the install files. (NOPE new users can’t upload images)

And uploaded the logs (NOPE no other attachment facility - have added git gists instead) **

the errcode was 2503


Hope this helps."

I got 2503 again when trying to install 7-zip as part of the alternate install. Through the power of duckduckgo i found this : surface tablet help site

Yes, I’m working on a new pro3 which had imported MS settings from pro2 based on my live account.

I got authority to c:\windows\temp and was able to install 7-zip and meteor (yay!)

The strange thing is, as this is a new machine, there’s a host of programs I’ve installed without a problem untill now. Go figure …

While installing meteor on a Windows 7 PC, the installer gives me error “Incorrect password entered” in the sign in step. I can login with my password normally at the website.

My password contains characters like _, !, ?, {, etc and is longer than 12 characters. Might that be the problem?

I am on a windows 10 PC and the installer does not work. Here is my log:

[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\Shaunak\Downloads\InstallMeteor.exe, cmdline: ''
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'TermsUrl' to value ''
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'PrivacyUrl' to value ''
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'PerMachineInstall' to value '0'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'PerUserInstall' to value '1'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'CreateRButton' to value '1'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'SignInRButton' to value '0'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing hidden variable 'RegisterEmail'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing hidden variable 'RegisterUser'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing hidden variable 'RegisterPass'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'SkipRegistrationState' to value 'disable'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'SkipRegistration' to value '0'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'UserMeteorSessionFile' to value '[LocalAppDataFolder]\.meteorsession'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerMachineInstallFolder' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder][WixBundleName]'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerUserInstallFolder' to value '[LocalAppDataFolder]'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'InstallFolder' to value '[PerUserInstallFolder]'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'InstallRegPath' to value 'SOFTWARE\Meteor Development Group \Meteor\Install'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Initializing string variable 'MSICustomErrFile' to value '[WixBundleLog].err'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\Temp\Meteor_20150925131840.log'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\Shaunak\Downloads\InstallMeteor.exe'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i052: Condition '(VersionNT >= v5.1)' evaluates to true.
[212C:2318][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'varProgressHeader' to value 'Installing [WixBundleName]'
[212C:2318][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'varProgressInfo' to value 'Please wait while Setup installs [WixBundleName] on your computer.'
[212C:2318][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'varSuccessHeader' to value 'Meteor is now installed on your computer.'
[212C:2318][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'varSuccessInfo' to value 'deleted;
[212C:2318][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Setting string variable 'varFailureHeader' to value 'Setup Failed'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i100: Detect begin, 2 packages
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i000: Update location:
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i103: Detected related package: {30491D85-F385-4432-B176-E7F770DA4A83}, scope: PerUser, version:, language: 0 operation: Downgrade
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i103: Detected related package: {30491D85-F385-4432-B176-E7F770DA4A83}, scope: PerUser, version:, language: 0 operation: Downgrade
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i101: Detected package: SetupMeteor_MachineInstall, state: Obsolete, cached: None
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i101: Detected package: SetupMeteor_UserInstall, state: Obsolete, cached: None
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i200: Plan begin, 2 packages, action: Install
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]w322: Skipping cross-scope dependency registration on package: SetupMeteor_MachineInstall, bundle scope: PerUser, package scope: PerMachine
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i201: Planned package: SetupMeteor_MachineInstall, state: Obsolete, default requested: None, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i201: Planned package: SetupMeteor_UserInstall, state: Obsolete, default requested: None, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i300: Apply begin
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:40]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x0, restart: None, ba requested restart:  No
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i500: Shutting down, exit code: 0x0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: CreateRButton = 0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: InstallFolder = C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: InstallRegPath = SOFTWARE\Meteor Development Group \Meteor\Install
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: MSICustomErrFile = C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\Temp\Meteor_20150925131840.log.err
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: PerMachineInstall = 0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: PerMachineInstallFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\Meteor
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: PerUserInstall = 1
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: PerUserInstallFolder = C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: PrivacyUrl = 
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: RegisterEmail = *****
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: RegisterPass = *****
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: RegisterUser = *****
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: SignInRButton = 1
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: SkipRegistration = 0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: SkipRegistrationState = disable
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: TermsUrl = https://
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: UserMeteorSessionFile = C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\\.meteorsession
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: varFailureHeader = Setup Failed
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: varProgressHeader = Installing Meteor
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: varProgressInfo = Please wait while Setup installs Meteor on your computer.
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: varSuccessHeader = Meteor is now installed on your computer.
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: varSuccessInfo = 'deleted'
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: VersionNT =
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleAction = 4
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleElevated = 0
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleInstalled = 1
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleLog = C:\Users\Shaunak\AppData\Local\Temp\Meteor_20150925131840.log
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleManufacturer = Meteor Development Group 
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleName = Meteor
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleOriginalSource = C:\Users\Shaunak\Downloads\InstallMeteor (1).exe
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleProviderKey = {e2d162ba-d521-4ab7-89c0-bcddd6010381}
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleTag = 
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i410: Variable: WixBundleVersion =
[212C:1C80][2015-09-25T13:18:46]i007: Exit code: 0x0, restarting: No

New users can only post 2 links, so I have deleted some text

The installation went for about 30 minutes :hourglass_flowing_sand:. There was this pop-up window right after:

1.5 takes a long time to install on Windows 7 x64 . The problems I see are:

  1. Silent installation - no sign of progress, just “please wait”.
  1. Using some very strong level of compression, which takes long time and a lot of processing power to unpack (7za shows in the list of processes).