Next steps on Blaze and the view layer

I Command F’d, then checked case sensitivity :frowning:

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I don’t have command on my computer but I certainly F’d to no surprize…

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I’m using Blaze to prototype for a client… feeling nostalgic already :’( I set up a reactive, single-page UI in like 200 lines of code (css included)


Meteor is not an open source project in a modern sense. See this definition (from here):

Open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit. Open source software is usually developed as a public collaboration and made freely available.

I highlighted the second sentence.

@Steve is that sarcasm or do you actually consider meteor not open source?
from what I gather it claims to be open source but definitely fails needs
a lot of improvement on the public collaboration front

@serkandurusoy, they don’t need “improvement”, they need a cultural change. They need to choose whether to be closed or open. Staying in-between won’t work much longer.
I hope they’ll choose the open side, hire an experienced open source release manager, set up an open source governance model, and leverage, at last, the amazing people we got here.


+1. MDG has limited resources, and by embracing efforts by folks like @timbrandin, @faceyspacey, @mitar who are obviously very skilled coders and WANT to participate and WANT to fix the problem, if @evanyou
would work together with these folks instead of on his own chamber, I am sure the solution would rock!

And it would be a solution with several maintainers, thus hopefully more resilient than for example Iron Router was…

I think I said it before somewhere: Check out for example the Qt project. I spent many years in that context. Commercial company running it, but thanks to an open governance model it has truckloads of external people contributing.


+1 RiotJS

Great framework that deserves more attention.

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Is there anything that can be said now about using Webpack hot-code patch and jQuery and other DOM manipulations with this?

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It’s not mainly about better features, but more frequent releases. MDG should focus on design/consultation/arbitration/validation and let other do the time consuming work. In a matter of weeks we would have schema and router in core, and approved prototypes for alternative data and visualization layers.
Additional benefit for MDG: more time to work on Galaxy or whatever profitable features.


Yes, I have read this, but why you want to push me think in React?

For me Meteor is great because I can use it for different kind of apps (from small to big, from simple to very rich interface). I use and like React when it’s best match but sometimes it just doesn’t’.

I am not pushing you to think in React. If you like Blaze templating, great! Stick with Blaze 1 for now, and Blaze 2 whenever it’s out.

That link was for guidance on how one could collaborate with designers if the UI is directly written in ReactJs (JSX), for those who think it’s impossible.

Are you trying to compare Meteor with React here? Or if you mean you’ll be forced to use React because of Blaze2, I think your opposition to React is the syntax right? MDG says that with Blaze 2 you’ll continue to use a templating like interface which will likely be very similar to Blaze 1. Wouldn’t that suffice? If your designers can work well with Blaze1, I think that should be the case with Blaze2.

If you have any technical reasons against choice of React as the underlying engine of Blaze2, then please articulate them too to the community and MDG; would help us all.

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@gaurav7 It was not exactly opposition of React syntax, it was more feature request of what I want to see and don’t want to seen in Blaze2.
I just commented what I don’t like and what I like in React and Blaze as @evanyou asked. Somewhere in this thread is my longer answer (or even a few) of what I would like to see in “Blaze2”.

Cool, and my original point was only to address concerns raised in this thread that JSX is particularly “designer unfriendly”. Shared the link in case anybody with those concerns hasn’t seen it.

For some reason all the feedback you guys are giving about this “Blaze x React x Angular” storm, is technical. While the major concerns have nothing to do with technology or even Facebook’s size. The concerns are related to trust & keeping the eco-system together. Words like “we did not take it lightly” make it worse, as they clearly did not take the community with in this “not-lightly”. Basically you are saying “when we take things seriously, then community is not part of the discussion” . Ahhh.

If you really must split from Blaze and announce defeat there, ok, fair enough. But then MDG please at least show courage and try and win your followers back (yes, wake up, you lost them, I pity the guys writing books for you).

You can do so by making an effort to stop all the other core doubts. Make the important stuff 1st recommended citizens and demote the rest to community. I think of things like:

  • router: Flow = 1st, Iron/… = 2nd (?)
  • language: js = 1st, Coffee/… = 2nd,… ES6 (?)
  • testing (?)

Just look at the number of outstanding issues with Blaze and how they are (not) fixed… If that is not killing enough, what is?


:laughing: That’s a pretty good one.

Just to be clear, my stance isn’t that we should all convert existing apps to a new view framework, just that moving forward for new projects, certain frameworks offer benefits over others (Vue, Angular, React, etc…)

I still have a Blaze app and it’s not really worth the time it would take to convert it over. It’s making money, and Blaze is performing well. Packages still work.

However, for me new apps will not be using Blaze.


I’ve been lurking in the Meteor community only for the last few months, so may have missed key historical events. But apparently “Blaze 2” has been pending for long, and this announcement sounds like MDG finally wants to do something about it…

I guess I’d ask the same question as: Which of the outstanding Blaze issues in Github would be taken care of by Blaze 2? If not in the first release of Blaze 2, then maybe in a future roadmap?

cc @evanyou, @sashko


Good point. I suddenly realized that no one (me included :open_mouth: ) actually asked that question in this topic before.

So, which Blaze 1 issues (GitHub or not) will be directly addressed by Blaze 2 and what is the priority list?