Node fs get image/video

I’m using electron to bundle my web app as a desktop app and I need to use node’s fs module to interact with the local file system.
I’ve managed to get it working with reading/writing text files but that’s just a simple test and what I actually need it to do is to read images (probably just jpgs) and videos (probably .mov). I would then like to serve these to my angular2 application.
If anyone could help me with some basic examples for this case I would be very grateful

fyi, I was using some thing like this in my main.ts in the server folder to read text files:

import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
import * as fs from "fs";
Meteor.startup(function () {
      'readTextFile': function(url) {
        fs.readFile(String(url),'utf-8', function read(err, data) {
          if (err) {
              throw err;

          return data;

Could someone help here? I thought I was successfully reading a text file but even that isn’t working. I’m just getting undefined returned. I understand that this is because it’s an asynchronous call so I’ve put it in a callback function but it’s still not working.
Could someone provide a basic example? (I’m using angular2 if that changes how the reactivity might be handled…)

Bump. I still haven’t been able to get this working…

Finally got this working. If anyone is interested this is what i’m using:



    readTextFile: function(url) {
      console.log('read file from: ' + url);

      var Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');
      var myFuture = new Future();

        fs.readFile(String(url),'utf-8', function read(error, result) {

        return myFuture.wait();


  readTextFile() {
    var url = '/path/to/file';

    var result ='readTextFile', url, function (error,res) {
          if (error) {
          else {

Although I can’t seem to set an angular variable from the meteor callback now! I thought it was because its not inside the angular zone? So i tried wrapping it in NgZone like:'readTextFile', url, function (error,res) { => {
      if (error) {
      else {
        this.text = 'success!';

But that just gives me the following error:

Exception in delivering result of invoking 'readTextFile': TypeError: Cannot read property 'run' of undefined

Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?