Non-keyword argument after a keyword argument

Trying to use any of the fullcalendar packages and for all the options.


can be passed within the template as:

{{> fullcalendar id="calendar" calendarOptions }}

Then defined in the helpers as :

calendarOptions: function ()
    return {
      defaultView: 'basicWeek',
      firstDay: 1

Unfortunately with Meteor 1.2.1 it’s spitting out :

Can't have a non-keyword argument after a keyword argument

Am trying to avoid having to push all the options into the template definition itself.

I realise this sounds like a basic error, so please be gentle with me :slight_smile:

Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you.

How about…

{{> fullcalendar id="calendar" calendarOptions=calendarOptions }}

EDIT: I’m not familiar at all what fullcalendar is and what it expects you to give it.

and id/class inside options helper object is not working ?

thanks @seeekr. Tried that already; unfortunately no love either.

@shock - sorry - can you elaborate please. As I’ve also tried the following within the onRendered function :

    defaultView: 'basicWeek'

or are you referring to wrapping the existing helper’s return somehow?

Thank you.

calendarOptions: function ()
    return {
      id: 'calendar',
      defaultView: 'basicWeek',
      firstDay: 1

I was thinking more like this

just tried as part of the helpers. Same error :confused:


Rookie error.

I used

{{> fullcalendar id="calendar" options }}

instead of

{{> fullcalendar options }}

By supplying only a single argument, and compartmentalizing everything into it; works a treat.

Apologies for raising an alarm :smile: