Normal code changes suddenly "broke" my test - missing module errors

Hi guys,

I am running into one of the weirdest errors I have ever encountered!
My npm script for my server tests:
"server-test": "MOCHA_TIMEOUT=1000000 TEST_CLIENT=0 meteor test --settings ../config/development/settings.json --driver-package meteortesting:mocha --port 3100"

In my current master branch, everything works perfectly fine. In my current development branch (master is only a few days behind development) which completely normal code changes and NO package.json changes of any kind, meteor/npm suddenly decided to give me this error:

Unable to resolve some modules:

  "@firebase/app" in /Users/patrick/dev/orderlion/orderlion_react/app/node_modules/@firebase/database/dist/index.cjs.js (web.browser.legacy)
  "fast-crc32c" in /Users/patrick/dev/orderlion/orderlion_react/app/node_modules/hash-stream-validation/index.js (web.browser.legacy)
  "worker_threads" in /Users/patrick/dev/orderlion/orderlion_react/app/node_modules/write-file-atomic/index.js (web.browser.legacy)
  "http2" in /Users/patrick/dev/orderlion/orderlion_react/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js (web.browser.legacy)

If you notice problems related to these missing modules, consider running:

This makes absolutely no sense. I am not using any of these modules, I did NOT change anything about my npm or meteor packages … I am lost for words. never had any error like this in my life.

Deleting npm_modules, doing several npm install … nothing helps. the error persists. jumping between branches also works: with master the error is gone again, with any newer branch it is there. I am pulling my hairs out here :grin:

Can anyone help?

best, Patrick

Go back to master to confirm for yourself one more time that everything was still really fine there.

If that’s the case, use git checkout on develop commit by commit to find out which commit broke your app.

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Try deleting .meteor/local folder on your branch

Needless to say, if you do git checkout on select commits, you’ll always need to also run npm install subsequently.