Not Getting Notification in iOS - Raix:Push

Hi Everyone,

I want to integrate push notifications in iOS. Here are steps I used

  1. Configure Raix Push to Meteor App - Done
  2. Configure Firebase using the Development APN Certificate and Production APN Certificate - Done (Used this tutorial for this)
  3. Started the App to get the generated token - Done
  4. Use the same token at firebase console to get the Notification to ios Device.
  5. Uses the firebase console and added the token, but not getting the notification on Device.

Also, I tried to add this

App.appendToConfig(<key>FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled</key> <true/>);

from thisreported issue link. But still not getting the notification.

Also, tried another cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated plugin but in this there was some duplicates symbol issues in xcode which I could not solve.

Is there any other approach for doing the push notifications in iOS Device?

Please let me know if there is an issue as per currently mentioned scenario. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Any other approach: cordova one signal plugin. Working flawlessly for both android and ios

Could you please share the mobile-config.js for this.

I have added


but that’s not working.