NoUiSlider problem


I have followed the guide from GitHub - ElevateDev/meteor-autoform-nouislider
and set up the basic sliders, yet what I get on the AutoForm is only this.

I cannot move both sliders. There is no range either.

My setup is the following:

singleSlider: {

type: Number,

max: 150,

min: 30,

autoform: {

  type: "noUiSlider",

  noUiSliderOptions: {

    step: 10


  noUiSlider_pipsOptions: {

    mode: 'steps',

    density: 5




slider: {

type: RangeSchema,

max: 200,

min: 10,

autoform: {

  type: "noUiSlider",

  noUiSliderOptions: {

    step: 10


  noUiSlider_pipsOptions: {

    mode: 'steps',

    density: 5





 pushNotifications: true,

 singleSlider: 30,

 slider: {"lower": 10,"upper":200}


	{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}

    {{#autoForm collection="Settings" type=update doc=setting id="edit-form" autosave=true}}

		{{> afQuickField name='slider' start="[50,60]"}}

		{{> afQuickField name='singleSlider' range='{"min": 30,"max":50}'}}



Thank you for any clue or link to a working sample.


Solved it with setting the div width:

width: 50%;